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nikipedia's avatar

Great first baby gifts?

Asked by nikipedia (28098points) November 9th, 2008

Two of my favorite people in the world are about to have their first baby. I would like to give them a really thoughtful and meaningful baby gift, but I don’t know what people with babies want/need/don’t know they need. So, people with babies, what were you most grateful to have, or what did you rely on but not expect to need, or what gift were you really thrilled to get?

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12 Answers

shilolo's avatar

Bring over dinner one night, and they will love you (like a lasagna or something that will last a few nights). Or, a gift certificate to Waiters-on-Wheels (or some other delivery place) so that they can order food a few times when they are exhausted.

If you want something “memorable”, then hiring someone to take professional baby +/- parents pictures will be a gift that lasts forever.

adri027's avatar

a stroller, car seat, maybe something personalized with the babies name or initials like a blanket or something that could go in the babies nursery a really nice drawing or the name idea or you know what’s so cool I wish someone gave it to me is a frame thing with one of the sides that has the plaster stuff and the other for a picture ooo and get the name engraved on it

sarahclif's avatar

baby legs. amazingly useful.

MacBean's avatar

Diapers are always good, because they won’t stop needing them for a long time. A lot of new parents forget that they’ll need little things like a thermometer. If you get them anything like crib sheets or burp cloths or clothing, wash it first and let them know; it’ll save them some time and energy. My cousin just had her first baby a couple of weeks ago and her favorite things are homemade/personalized things—the quilt from my mother, a diaper bag from her best friend, a scrapbook from my father’s cousin, an engraved picture frame from her mother-in-law—and all the food people have brought over.

augustlan's avatar

If you are at all crafty or artistic, something handmade means alot. If not there are several things that are really helpful, and not the usual.

A “changing basket”...a rectangular basket with a handle (so it’s easy to cart from room to room), stocked with diapers, wipes, a changing pad and burp cloths is invaluable. Everyone thinks they’ll change their babies on a changing table in the nursery, but 90% of the time, you don’t.

For more money, you could get them a professional house cleaning about 2 weeks after the birth. They’re going to be too exhausted to deal with it. For less money, give them a gift certificate for your services and do the work yourself.

Another idea is prepaid picture printing (or film developing, if they’re old school). Believe me when I say there will be a lot of pictures.

@sarahclif: What?

bythebay's avatar

Three things I/we loved when our babies were born: First was a handmade quilt from a dear friend, not perfect but made with so much love & care! Second was a basket of books with everything from cloth books to early readers. Everytime we opened one of those books, which we did often, we thought of our friends. Plus the children treasure the books as they were all noted inside with sweet thoughts and X’s & O’s. Finally they all have received silver engraved piggy banks or brush & comb sets; certainly a memorable gift to last.

ckinyc's avatar

Round baby changing pad. My friends said they are the greatest thing they received. And now they are buying them for their friends. link

or the flushable diapers could be good too link

SuperMouse's avatar

I have a couple of ideas. The first would be two smallish gifts, one very practical, such as diapers, or wipes, or disposable bibs. The other very sentimental, like a homemade memory box, embroidered bib, or one the types of things suggested by bythebay.

Personally I am very partial to books as baby gifts so that would be my second suggestion. Love You Forever, Guess How Much I Love You, and More, More, More Said the Baby are three of my favorites for the baby. For mom I would suggest The Girlfriends Guide to Surving the First Year of Motherhood by Vicki Iovine, The Nursing Mother’s Companion by Kathleen Higgins, and of course my own personal favorite Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child by Marc Weissbluth.

Any of these things delivered with a meal they can store in the freezer would a great gift for new parents!

galileogirl's avatar

A Daddy diaper bag prepared to go with a few diapers, wipes. etc. Also a teething ring and rattle or soft toy. It should not be pastel with a lamb design. It should be able to pass for a gym bag. When Daddy comes home after a trip with baby he can replenish what is necessary and then the next time he just toss in a bottle and go.

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Judi's avatar

There’s also the heirloom things that can be passed on from generation to generation. The photo session that shilolo suggested is great and you could present it in a nice frame from Tiffany’s (if it’s in your budget) and would create an heirloom piece. Tiffany’s also has plates and spoons etc. These are things that they would probably never buy for themselves but would be passed on from generation to generation and they would think of you every time they use it.

sakura's avatar Check out the crocheted stuff it’s soo cute :)

When my cousin was born I bought her really cute little teddy and a mini ruck sack, packed it into a box with a lttle notebook and pen, I wrote a label for the teddies neck that said:
“Hello my name is Cubby, I am a special bear that likes to travel! Please take me with you on your exciting 1st journeys and write all about them in my note book”
This give the parents something to write down memories in or stick pictures /keepsake tickets in when the baby is small and a teddy to accompany the child on long journeys when it gets older :) Using a bear like this one would add to the story…

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