General Question

charliecompany34's avatar

You're 40-something now. what can you wear today and still get away with it?

Asked by charliecompany34 (7816points) November 10th, 2008

when i was in grammar school, a pair of classic converse all-stars was like $13 and that was a lot of money! like kids keep buying “air force 1s” for 80 bucks a pop, i always wanted fresh converse all-stars. then i find myself in footlocker getting a pair at $44! wow! but i am surprised i can still sport this style from back in the day. youthful appearance i guess? what can you wear today that kids wear just as well?

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14 Answers

Allie's avatar

Adults in Chucks make me think of my high school history teacher. Every Friday he wore jeans, a t-shirt, and plain blue hi-tops. SUCH a cool guy and definitely my favorite teacher of all time.

Anyway.. I’m only 20, so I can get away with a lot of shit still. Umm.. I wear three earrings in one ear and four in the other. Does that count? Oh I know. I wear slutty costumes for Halloween. Can you still do that when you’re 40-ish? I don’t know.

PupnTaco's avatar

Same thing I’ve always worn, pretty much: T-shirts, Levis 501s, tennis shoes.

psyla's avatar

Tie-Dyes are not allowed. Tie-Dyes will reappear as a fashion in the year 2070 after we all have computer brain grafts.

Adina1968's avatar

I think you can wear anything you want to. It is all about how you wear it. Although I think the Goth look is a bit much for the 40 set.

Judi's avatar

Yesterday I was wearing a T shirt that had a peace symbol and said “We Not Me.” I still have long hair because my hubby loves it, but every once in a while I look in the mirror and feel like one of those crazy old ladies.

charliecompany34's avatar

@judi: uh, i like long hair. so does my 19-year-old son. you’re fine. keep growing older and longer.

Sueanne_Tremendous's avatar

I can still pull off wearing a two-piece swimming suit. I probably could actually do a bikini and still look ok and be comfortable, but some of the new styles that have like a g-string bottom and triangles over just the nipples I don’t think I could ever be comfortable in.

SuperMouse's avatar

I still get away with low rise boot cut jeans. I also wear a lot of t-shirts and hoodies. My favorite thing though is my Doc Marten shoes. My hair is super duper sort though, all three of my sons have longer hair than me.

Amberlee's avatar

You can wear What the teens are wearing if u wanted to. Looking good and feeling good how you look has no age limit. Go for it!

augustlan's avatar

@Dave/pupntaco: I think I might be the female version of you: polo shirts, Levis 501s, and retro PF Flyer tennis shoes. I have 3 holes in one ear (including the cartilege) and 1 in the other. I’m 41.

Nimis's avatar

Jeans, tee shirt and hoodie.
I suspect I may be buried in some version of this.

AlfredaPrufrock's avatar

Madras plaid seems to be back…

aprilsimnel's avatar

Everything. I look ~25.

john65pennington's avatar

My Hanes underwear i use to wear 40 years ago. not the same pair, dumbo.

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