General Question

jlm11f's avatar

It's all over! The conservatives were right all along. Now what?

Asked by jlm11f (12421points) November 13th, 2008

Today is a sad sad day my friends. If only we had had the guts to be a Maverick.

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6 Answers

laureth's avatar

Mmm, I love the smell of parody in the evening.

Adina1968's avatar

That is Hilarious!
I wonder if he is in cahoots with Sarah Palin? Maybe they split the $150,000 shopping spree she went on…Hmmmm?

dalepetrie's avatar

Normally I’d be suspicious considering the source, but as it turns out, they were right eight years ago.

jtvoar16's avatar

Dear god, that is scary. Let’s chalk that up to “luck.”

dalepetrie's avatar

I’m always skeptical when people say they didn’t think W would be that bad…I read that piece before his first inauguration, and I figured, yep…sounds about like what I’d expect. And lo and behold…

wundayatta's avatar

Actually, Bush promised to do all that. Not directly, but in code. Republicode. This is why I was so surprised he ever got elected. I didn’t understand why it wasn’t perfectly obvious to everyone. But people were blinded by character issues, I guess, and so, here we are.

Obama seems like he is the closest we have to someone who can fix things. He’s terribly conservative, of course. So we’ll see what he can accomplish. Still, better him than that integrityless bastard, McCain.

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