General Question

kelly's avatar

Have you donated food to a food pantry for the needy?

Asked by kelly (1926points) November 13th, 2008

reports are that every pantry’s donations are drastically down and the need is more

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10 Answers

augustlan's avatar

Many times, though not very recently. I’ll get on it!

AstroChuck's avatar

Quite often, actually. Also, my union (National Association of Letter Carriers) is behind a nationwide food drive each May. So I get to pick up food on my mail route. It can be quite a pain, but most carriers participate. It’s a really great cause and I’m happy and proud to be a postman on that day.

Allie's avatar

Yes I have. I’ve also donated old cell phones and electronics, toys to toy drives, jackets for kids during the winter, and blood.


AlfredaPrufrock's avatar

Yes, the Boy Scouts are picking up this Saturday for a food drive. I have a bag packed and ready to put out. Our Krogers has prepacked bags that you can buy and deposit in a collection bin on the way out of the grocery.

buster's avatar

Im an Eagle Scout. I collected food for 7 years as a Scout. This year I donated $40 to my old Scout Troop 265 for the drive instead of buying canned goods.

augustlan's avatar

@Buster: I never imagined you as an Eagle Scout!

DrasticDreamer's avatar

Yes, many, many times. We always somehow manage to stack up cans and cans of food at my house and they’re perfect to give. Better than sitting on the shelf, going to waste.

@august: One of my best male friends used to be an Eagle Scout. And let me tell you, when I first found out, I stared at him blankly for a few seconds and then burst out laughing. Who the hell would have figured? ;)

EmpressPixie's avatar

Yes, many times. I’ve also helped collect food at food drives which means I ended up with the worlds largest t-shirt once to declare my allegiance to the Blue Ridge Food pantry place (I can’t remember the last word on the shirt). Seriously, it’s HUGE.

kelly's avatar

@drasticdreamer: Once an Eagle Scout, always an Eagle Scout.
@Buster; congrats.
me, Eagle with palm 1966

WestRiverrat's avatar

They get my excess meat from hunting. They usually get at least one deer in the fall and a bunch of snow geese in the spring.

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