General Question

kelly's avatar

Have you every donated clothing to a charity or resale shop? If so, what?

Asked by kelly (1926points) November 13th, 2008

As with food, donations are down, winter is coming and the need is much more.

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13 Answers

Mtl_zack's avatar

every few months, we clean the house and get all the old clothes and toys that we dont need and give it to a local charity that distributes things such as clothes, toiletries and toys. this month, however, we’ll be donating the clothes to a close friend who just brought her 3 children and brother from the phillipines to canada.

skabeep's avatar

I just moved to a new house and I have about 6 garbage bags full of clothes I have been too lazy to take anywhere…guess I need to get on that

augustlan's avatar

Twice a year, at least.

tinyfaery's avatar

All the time. I’m always cleaning out my old stuff. Clothes wear out, or I get bored with them. I’m moving to a 3 bedroom house December 1st (yay me!) and I have already donated 3 garbage bags full of crap to the Goodwill. I never bother to get the tax receipt.

generalspecific's avatar

I have 4 garbage bags full waiting to go to Goodwill right nowwww.

AlfredaPrufrock's avatar

Every time they call, I go through the house and find something to give—clothes, shoes, household goods, books, whatever is still useful but not needed.

cak's avatar

Yep, to charities and all the time. Toys, clothes, books…kitchen stuff, you name it, we’ve donated it. It’s far better than throwing it away and also better than having a yard sale. I think if you are finished with something, you should pass it on to someone in need. We tend to give to shelters, before charity resale shops, though – just a preference, that’s all!

shilolo's avatar

I have donated both to Goodwill, and my personal favorite, to the local VA hospital where I work. My clothes go directly to needy or homeless vets, and I often try to give away nice things (like suits, dress shirts, ties, etc.) so that they can look good.

DrasticDreamer's avatar

I do it all the time, too. Generally clothes that I don’t wear anymore but that are still in good shape. I loathe the idea of giving ruined clothes to charity. It always bothers me when I see worn out garbage given, instead of decent, usable clothes.

cookieman's avatar

We donate about once a year (Spring cleaning). We donated 22 bags of clothes and household items to the Salvation Army last June.

I have a huge pile of my daughter’s clothes she’s outgrown to go through next.

The last frontier is to persuade her to donate some of her fifty-odd stuffed animals that collect dust in her playroom.

DrasticDreamer's avatar

@cprevite: Oh, nuh-uh! I have a lot of stuffed animals and I haven’t donated any, to this day, besides to people I’m actually close with. I guess because I’m a very nostalgic person and only important people will get important parts of my past. I have to know the stuffed animals will be taken care of, after all. ;)

EmpressPixie's avatar

Yep, at the end of the year when I was at college I donated a ton of stuff. Why? Because there were these HUGE bins that we could toss anything we didn’t want anymore into to donate it. It was super easy and as a result, I donated quite a bit.

cookieman's avatar

@DrasticDreamer: I know. I just may lose that battle.

“But Bah, I love EVERY one of them!”.
Really!?! But honey there’s little kids like you who don’t have any stuffed animals.
“Well, they should ask their Mommy and Daddy for some.”
Yeah, but…

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