Have you ever kicked someones ass?
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I’m really thinking about it.
Oh wait, here he is.
Yes ,a dog he kept following me
haha funny story..this was in high school it was this black girl she gave me no good reason for me to waste my energy on beating her ass yet kept on insisting I got tired of it so I said ok. It was a Monday in the bathroom at school she was hiding in back of the door as I walked in I was expecting to get decked she had the chance but instead she started pulling my hair so I got her off of me started beating the living shit out of her she didn’t do anything other than pull my hair finally she got so desperate that she decided to bite my tit…I know pretty weird
Yup, it was 20+ years ago….This guy kept bothering my wife calling her all types of names like whore, etc. because she was an Asian woman and I’m a White man and he thought we shouldn’t be dating because of that…I think I helped him change his viewpoint…
Now that I’m older not worth it….but don’t try me just in case ;-)
Many, many times… in Scrabble.
No, but if someone is messing with my confirmandi say the word and I’ll get it done.
I got my boob bit in a fistfight too.
Yea, I murked this guy up because he was talking 5h!t and saying that I was fake and didn’t hold up my word, I met up with him after school and we duked it out, but he got his ass handed to him, two of his friends even tried to jump in but like 7 of my buddies came to watch and they teamed up on them.
About a year and a half ago my younger cousin died of a accidental drug overdose. This asshole I barely knew came up to me at a party which was a couple months after his death. He said ” Hey man I heard about Wes.” “Im glad that motherfucker is dead.” I reacted by punching him in the gut then in the mouth. He fell to the ground and I kicked him in the face a few times before some people pulled me off of him. It sucked I was so angry I was not in control of myself. I think I might have murdered him if I wasn’t restrained. I’ve been in a few other fights. Ive had the shit beat out of me in about half of them.
Cecil, what kind of beef are you involved in, honey?? Violence is never the answer, haven’t we talked about that? Those girls, and especially that boy, are not worth the drama.
Focus instead on being the best Cecil you can be, and on properly using possessive pronouns.
@everyone else, Cecil is my 15-year-old daughter.
Only once. This kid named Orrei Barasch used to follow me home every day in 6th grade, even when I asked him not to. He pestered me mercilessly for days, having the time of his life. Finally, I lost it, turned around, and punched him in the face.
Broke his glasses.
Then I felt like crap.
I was a very strong girl, and up until about 6th grade I could win fights with boys. Didn’t realize they were getting bigger and stronger till I got in a fistfight with my first ‘boyfriend’, and he kicked my ass. I promptly stopped beating up on the boys!
Though I did still beat them in arm wrestling for several more years : )
@jessturtle: why? I don’t understand!! They must have been hungry! Haha
The only 2 people I’ve ever laid my hands on are my sister—cat fights and hair pulling—and then I broke the nose of my high school boyfriend when he hit me; he never did that again.
However, I am trained in two forms of crisis-intervention. With the help of an equally skilled partner, I can take down and hold tight a 180 pound, 6ft man. So watch out.
I would really like to right about now, as I hate Saturdays when everyone has something to do, but they don’t do what they should, and instead get in everyone else’s stuff/face and then come to me to solve all the world’s problems and truthfully, I could give a rat’s patoot, so, if a rat goes running by me right now – man is he dead!!!!
There. Now I feel better. Thanks. And don’t point out that that was a run-on, or I’ll have to kick your *ss!
A few times, the worst was when I got in a fight with some kid when I was younger. I was fighting fairly above the belt etc. Then when I was walking away after hitting him, and he had fallen to the ground, he came up behind be and booted me as hard as he could right between the legs. Suffice to say I fell to the ground, but luckily my screams attracted teachers before he could get the face. Of course I was only young so nothing got too damaged in the long run but I had some badass bruising in some places where bruising doesn’t belong.
Yep, when I was defending a loved one who was assaulted.
Yes. Defense of self and friends from would-be bullying.
I havn’t, but there are many people’s asses I would have the pleasure of kicking if I could.
In high school my best friend’s ex-boyfriend beat her up for breaking up with him. It happened on school grounds. He got two days of detention. So did she (because she fought back). In the parking lot one day after his detention, he told me if he had it to do over again, he would’ve hit her harder. So I broke his nose.
@MacBean: I like your style.
Cecil, honey, do you see that all these people feel badly about what they’ve done? Violence is not the answer. Tell that girl to kiss your ass, honey. If that doesn’t work, then you kick her’s!!
Psst, Cecil. Your mom is kind of awesome.
When I was in high school, I was coming home from football practice, and drove up my driveway just in time to see my sisters boyfriend at the time slap her. I got out the car, drug him out to my front yard, and commenced to kick the crap out of him. It took three of my neighbors to pull me off of him.
The funny thing is this guy (who was in college) came to one of my games, and tried to start something with a couple of his friends. I had the whole team come out behind me after the game. :)
@asmonet, you are right, Cecil does have an awesome mom. Her aunt isn’t chopped liver either.
psst, cecil, I don’t feel that bad
I got the shit kicked out of me tonight, although that was at karate, does that count?
@joeysefika – No you need to get your opponent(s) to reply here. Then it counts for them. ;-)
Thanks Zaku, I’ll keep that in mind
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