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lynzeut's avatar

Where is the wierdest place you have had stitches?

Asked by lynzeut (881points) November 15th, 2008

This is kind of a thread to ” What’s an interesting way you’ve hurt yourself recently?” I was just thinking when I get stitches it’s never in a normal place, like a finger, my forehead,ect.. Anyone else had any unique stitches?

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32 Answers

lynzeut's avatar

So the weirdest place I have ever had stitches is on my tongue. When I was in preschool my best friend cut my tongue with a pair of scissors. What a bloody mess…literally. I know what you are thinking why did you let him? Well he was my best friend, I didn’t think he would really do it.

Elumas's avatar

Not an interesting place but I had to get stitches on my nose when I was little after jumping on the bed at a hotel with my cousins. They doped me up beforehand and I started singing “Little monkeys jumping on the bed” ( a nursery rhyme about monkeys jumping on a bed and hurting themselves). I still have a scar on my nose.

asmonet's avatar

I feel left out. I’ve never broken, sprained, or slashed anything that required stitches.

I opted against them when this butcher knife went through my foot. I went into the doctor three days after it happened and he gave me the oddest look I have ever received.

And yes, those are the knives that cut through chunks of metal on TV and in your local warehouse store on the island with the guys wearing mic headsets.

wundayatta's avatar

Take your pick: on the top of my skull, or just behind the scrotum.

You asked!

isn’t scrotum one of the weirder words? every time I say it, my mouth feels like it just ate week-old brussel sprouts

asmonet's avatar

Smegma is pretty bad too.

Also, scrotum stitches are far more interesting. I demand you elaborate.

wundayatta's avatar

@asmonet: what? you wanna come see my stitches? Nope. Not gonna happen. Not even if you pay!

augustlan's avatar

Like most women who’ve given birth in the usual way, I’ve had stitches right in the hoo-hah. Three times.

MacBean's avatar

The only places I’ve ever had stitches were in my mouth (after having wisdom teeth removed) and on my stomach (where they removed a little bit of body fat to use as packing material when I had brain surgery).

@lynzeut—That reminds me of my father’s uncle who was missing half of one of his fingers. When they were little, his brother told him to put his finger on the chopping block and he’d cut it off…

asmonet's avatar

@daloon: I have boobs and great cleavage, does that help my case?

wundayatta's avatar

@asmonet: you sure know how to hit a man where it hurts! I am so tempted….. but, I think not…. not today, anyway

augustlan's avatar

Bad asmonet! Go to bed and stop torturing that poor man!

asmonet's avatar

@daloon: As long as I hear it at some point, I’ll be <<ahem>> satisfied.

@augustlan: Shan’t do nothing if you don’t say please!

Fine, me and my fantastic breasts are going to sleep. Happy? <<grumble grumble>>

nocountry2's avatar

I thought I had a story till I heard stitches (THREE TIMES) in the ya-yo. O. M. G.

cak's avatar

@augustlan——first, I love the word “hoo-ha” cracks me up every single time I see it!
second, I bow to the queen.

Considering I’ve had surgery 26 times, I’ve had a lot of stitches; however, on the back of my heel was incredibly painful and very memorable. I was at the beach and we ducked into a pub – I banged (not a graceful entry into a booth) my heel on the base part of the boot and proceeded to drag it across a sharp piece of metal. 8 stitches and a lot of pain.

Also, the base of my pinky, right hand – palm side. I was playing tennis, tripped and cut my hand on something on the court, it was pretty deep and wouldn’t stop bleeding, so I finally agreed to go to the doc. Just a couple, but a weird place to have stitches.

augustlan's avatar

PS: No epidural, either!

Cak: 26 surgeries is a lot more than 3 in the hoo-hah! You may be the queen…

cak's avatar

I don’t know…I’ve never had one near the hoo-hah…and I’m cringing at the thought!

NO epidural…woman, are you mad???? I didn’t have a choice, it was c-sections, both times for me – my body just didn’t do pregnancy very well. The second time, I almost kissed the doc doing the epidural…wonderful medicine. For that matter, my husband almost kissed him, too! :)

nocountry2's avatar

ohhhhhh ladies…my husband and I are talking about getting pregnant soon, I am rather nervous and those stories are making it worse…I am seriously impressed.

Sueanne_Tremendous's avatar

@nocountry: The stitches are the easy part. It’s the next 18 years that will be the test. I certainly don’t mean that in a bad way. But Hoo-haa stitches can’t compare to the first time your baby needs stitches, or has her heart broken, or or or or….

Have babies and check your worries at the door…

wundayatta's avatar

Not having experienced birth, I can’t say for sure, but when they were stitching my wife up, she looked rather preoccupied by this unbelievable new person who had just made her way into fresh air. I’m not sure my wife noticed what the midwife was doing—you know? During the… ,ahem. ... hoo-hah repair?

hmmm. While boobs and great cleavage may not be helping asmonet’s case, it sure seems to generate a lot of lurve! I mean, I know life’s not fair and all, but doesn’t this seem to be a bit beyond the pale? Maybe I should put it as a subliminal footer to all my answers?

Boobs! Great Cleavage! Boobs! Great Cleavage! Boobs! Great Cleavage! Boobs! Great Cleavage!

I blame this puerile behavior on all you young people. I would never be so immature, otherwise!

aanuszek1's avatar

eyebrow. ouch. and then I’m missing an eyebrow for what seems like a year…

generalspecific's avatar

I had seven stiches on each of my eyeballs.
yes, my eyeballs

but they didn’t have to be taken out or anything because they dissolved or something.

augustlan's avatar

Generalspecific wins!

WTF? Please elaborate on the eyeball stitches!

generalspecific's avatar

Wellllll I when I was young, my left eye was a “lazy eye”. the only time it was really noticable though, was whenever I wouldn’t wear my glasses (I had glasses at the age of 2)
So when I was in the 5th grade I had surgery to correct it, but right before the surgery my doctor noticed I had a slight lazy eye on the right as well. So they just fixed both eyes.
The left one actually still wanders whenever I’m not wearing my glasses or contacts, but I know how to control it now at least.

asmonet's avatar

“The left one actually still wanders…”

I’m sorry, but I laughed. Like, it’s a stray puppy.

generalspecific's avatar

haha i know. I was like, that sounds awkward. but whatevs. :)

augustlan's avatar

Thanks for sharing your ‘wandering eyes’ story!

generalspecific's avatar

Oh, my pleasure

scamp's avatar

When I was six, I was riding to the store with my big brother, and we ran head on into a greyhound bus. I hit the dashboard, and my teeth went through my upper lip severing half of it. So I had six stiches then, and many more when I was 14 and had plastic surgery to repair and hide the scar.

augustlan's avatar

@scamp: Ok, that seriously made me cringe. yeeouch

scamp's avatar

Sorry.. it wasn’t fun, let me tell ya!!

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