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Considering going back to work; good for my kids?
My question is really more along the lines of: Do you think kids need a parent home with them as much when they’re teens as when they’re infants? I’ve been working from home since mine were little; if affects their life in no way at all. If I go back now, which I don’t have to, I wonder about the effects of all that time alone. They are wonderful kids, but they’re 12 & 14…on the verge of teenage insanity. I know what I did in my ‘home alone’ stage ;) Taking this job is really a just because I can scenario, I’m a little bored and volunteering is taxing and thankless in many instances. I’d like to be challenged, but I’d hate for them to feel adrift just when they might need me the most. I’d love opinions from those younger as well…
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