I have come to think a friend of mine whom I have also known for 15 years is Borderline.
I have seen so much with her this year, maybe because while I have known of her emotional fragilities before, this is the year I have really SEEN some big stuff.
I beleive she is what is termed the Borderline ‘waif.’
She is an incredibly attractive woman but plays the helpless woman thing around men, goes into her little girl mode, leaves cutesy childish sounding messages on her answering machine, is terrified of being alone and has crashed hard after the break up of a 5 yr. relationship this year.
She has two failed marriages and has never gone, ( if they don’t overlap which is more her pattern ) more than a few months between relationships.
She is extremely envious and jealous and is very withholding when it comes to celebrating or acknowledging any of her friends successes and happy moments.
I have observed a good amount of hypocrisy and dishonesty in her latest relationship and it’s been pretty revealing.
She is terrified of losing her looks which she has overly relied on for years, and her seductive powers. She just had some cosmetic facial procedures and is has started on anti-depressants due to the latest breakup and her mid-life crisis stuff.
I have really witnessed a side of her this year that is very unattractive and it has been a rather defining year in terms of my feelings about her situation.
We are biz. partners so I have to keep my thoughts to myself, but I have backed off from too much personal relating the last few months.
It goes to show how you can know someone for a looong time before you discover the true nature of their issues.
She has two sons, one in his 20’s and they adore their mom, but…she has leaned heavily on her youngest who is 18 and turned him into her confidant and shoulder which I disagree with.