General Question

ALT's avatar

Why do people say pigs are nasty.

Asked by ALT (14points) November 20th, 2008
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31 Answers

ALT's avatar

They are clean but i don’t eat pigs.

AstroChuck's avatar

Because they tell such raunchy jokes.

poofandmook's avatar

I <3 Bacon.

Nimis's avatar

I would personally swap out that n in nasty for a t.

AstroChuck's avatar

Or did you mean men? We men are pigs and have been known to be nasty from time to time.

jessturtle23's avatar

Because they go to the bathroom in their pens and then roll in it and make a big puddle circa Woodstock in the 90’s. They also have worms than can be given to humans.

DandyDear711's avatar

From an urban person…. They have wet dirty noses and make funny noises. Actually I wouldn’t say nasty but they aren’t my favorite animal to hang with… I understand they are very bright but haven’t seen that aspect up close and personal.

DrasticDreamer's avatar

Pigs are very clean. If given the choice, they wouldn’t crap in their pens and roll around in it. It’s not their fault their poo gets mixed in with the mud.

And they are highly intelligent, far more than dogs. My sister’s best friend’s grandpa used to have a pig and she was adorable. She loved being talked to and talking back, and she really enjoyed fetching. She was very social and extremely lovable. She also adored to have her tummy and back scratched.

AstroChuck's avatar

True. DrasticDreamer is 100% correct. That answer makes me as happy as a pig in sh-, uh…

jessturtle23's avatar

I have been around them my whole life. They enjoy rolling in mud. It cools them and warms them up. My dog does the same thing and if given roadkill he would roll in that. I didn’t realize we were talking about pet pigs that live in mud free yards. As for being smarter than dogs I have not seen that. I also have not had a pet pig. My sister did and it wasn’t smart at all. It would come when it was called but that was because it wanted food. It doesn’t take a rocket surgeon to come to someone when they are hungry.

AstroChuck's avatar

Pigs are most definitely smarter than dogs. Pigs are smarter than all domesticated animals. Hell, pigs are smarter than some of the people I work with.

DrasticDreamer's avatar

Pigs are absolutely more intelligent than dogs. As for being dirty, yes, all pigs like to roll in mud, but they are not actually dirty in the disgusting kind of way, compared to other animals.

I mean… I’m sure some gardeners like to roll in mud, but I wouldn’t say they’re gross. Just… Covered in dirt.

buster's avatar

Commercial pig farms are really nasty places.

SoapChef's avatar

It might be because pig poo is especially odiferous.

tocutetolive90's avatar

Cause they roll in dirt. But i dont care. Pigs are my favorite animal :-) and i want one. lol

MacBean's avatar

It doesn’t take a rocket surgeon to come to someone when they are hungry.

What exactly does a rocket surgeon do?

gailcalled's avatar

Pigs are probably smarter than rocket surgeons.

jessturtle23's avatar

They do rocket surgery, duh.

gailcalled's avatar

I’d still choose the pig, thanks.

Ajoiner's avatar

From Wikipedia:
“Pigs will scavenge and have been known to eat any kind of food, including dead insects, worms, tree bark, rotting carcasses, garbage, and even other pigs. In the wild, they are foraging animals, primarily eating leaves, grasses, roots, fruits and flowers. Occasionally while in captivity, pigs may eat their own young if they become severely stressed.”

I think people associate them with nastiness because they really have an aptitude to become quite disgusting. However, and in the swine’s defense, they don’t normally exhibit these attributes. The owners are responsible for the sanitation of an animal they deem as pet, food or product. Suffice to say that people are nasty and pig farmers… well… likely more so.

susanc's avatar

When we raised 3 pigs for educational and eating purposes, we noticed that they NEVER poo’d in the vicinity of their sleeping area or trough or water buckets. NEVER. They were lovely to smell. Their poo wasn’t, but whose is? Okay, horses’. Concede.

Maybe the fact that pigs are nekkid bothers people. There they are. nude. and that makes them look rather like US but they are all roundy and nursing their babies in public and messing with each other sexually in public and their noses are shaped funny and they have those little wiggly tails. I think we get embarrassed because we can see ourselves in them.

dynamicduo's avatar

Pigs eat anything and roll in mud. Some may smell of pig poo. Sounds pretty nasty to me.

Of course, I love pigs and would love to have one on my eventual farm. I’d train it.

susanc's avatar

I’m serious. They never roll in their poo if they have enough room to keep it separate
from their rolling mud.

Ajoiner's avatar

Yet with the option of rolling in mud with poo in it and not rolling in mud altogether… they choose the former. Guess the mere idea of rolling in mud outweighs the potential of covering themselves in their own poo.
Mud, it seems, is either pretty spectacular to them, or poo is just not half bad.

DandyDear711's avatar

My only experiences with pigs have been at county and state fairs, especially in Illinois and Minnesota. May not be the best way to be introduced… I once designed a website for a swine health veterinarian. The pictures from the commercial farm were a bit disturbing to me. Thank goodness the photos did not odorama!

SoapChef's avatar

You would roll in mud if you didn’t have sweat glands too! They do it to stay cool. Have you ever seen a sweaty pig?

Course, you don’t have to get this carried away.

DrasticDreamer's avatar

This thread is starting to annoy me. Pigs are not disgusting and that’s all there is to it. It is a well known fact… But whatever… People will believe what they want to.

gailcalled's avatar

As a certified and trained rocket surgeon, I like pigs and agree with DD ^^.

DandyDear711's avatar

@ GailCalled – Which DD? LOL!

gailcalled's avatar

Dandy: I didn’t notice the DD^2. My recent answer agrees with Drastic Dreamer.

Dandy: Come south to the country in the nice weather, take a walk and view the nice, sweet piggies.

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