Who knows much about Zelda for SNES?
In the very beginning of the game, just about at the end of the underground tunnel that you smuggle Zelda through, there are two bomb-able wall sections. The game hasn’t given you any bombs at this point (as far as I know) so there’s no way to get in there. Or is there?
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13 Answers
OMG!!! I’m still stuck in the forest of the first Zelda!!!
Yes, there is. Once you have the Power Gauntlets, you return to the the Graveyard in the light world, removed the black onyx rocks and push the crypt aside, allowing you fall down a hole into that room, thus allowing you to charge the wall with your Boots or use a bomb. There is a Red Rupee and a Piece of Heart available there.
In the Dark World, the crypt will take you to the Hall of Spikes, where you don your Magic Cape to get across the spikes and to the Blue Crook.
first off. oh my god this is my favorite zelda game. it is absoultely amazing.
and yeah you can get to this later but jtvoar is right that you have to wait til later in the game and push the black tombstone open after you get the power gloves.
i wish i could replay that for the first time…it’s like a dream.
so basically…ENJOY!
I am a Zelda whore. I have spent more money on Zelda then on any other two thing combined, including food and clothing.
I have played threw every Zelda game including the Philips CDI live action games (if you don’t know what these are, don’t go looking if you enjoy the purity that is the amazing beauty that is Zelda, trust me.) My record for a perfect run through at 100% for this version of Zelda is 6 hours and 1 second.
I say these things because I have a very small man-hood and any such accomplishments make me feel more like a real man, until I read what I just wrote and realize I am doing this from mother’s basement, alone, in the dark…
lol that is still amazing though.
i do love zelda…but link to the past is the only zelda i’ve ever beaten. i tried to beat ocarina of time but i only played like 30 minutes over a friends house since i don’t have a 64 and sucked at targeting.
any zelda achievement is one worth cherishing. i specifically bought a gameboy advance like 3 years ago to get four swords which is the same damn game but on gameboy haha. i doubt i could beat your record though.
i just got a wii and am excited to get the new one when i scrounge up some cash haha
Do you mean Twilight or the upcoming one? Still unnamed? I think the working title is something to the effects of Whale Walkers, or something really bad. (Nintendo has never been all that good at working titles. The N64 was called “The Dolphine” until about a month before release, I know that LttP had a working title of Zelda 3: The Next One. Then it became Zelda 3: The Righteous Three Piece Triangle. Those, of course, are direct translations, so I don’t think Nintendo meant those names, I mean, look at the “Wii”
haha yeah true. i mean twilight though. i just got a wii last week and only have wii sports and wii play right now so i was gonna go out and get twilight princess soon. hopefully that one will touch me in a way like link to the past haha
OOOO! Twilight is SSSSOOOO pretty! and singy! and… difficult, in a stumbling kind of way. Not like the bad kind of way, but the real life OMG what the heck is going on, kinda of way.
I will tell you this:
You will die many, many, MANY, MANY, times:
Trying to kill the pig,
Trying to kill the birds and the bombs,
Trying to kill the bigger pig,
Trying to kill the much bigger pig who is bigger then the bigger pig,
Trying to kill the bad guy at the end
I initially left those random and vague so as not to ruin any part of the game. I just want to warn you about the difficulty involved with keeping the camera pointed in the right direction.
Don’t get me wrong, I LOVE TWILIGHT! It is easily a 9.5 out of 5!
i seem to recall you can charge through that wall with the boots
@jtvoar I’m right there with you with the Zelda addiction and I agree Twilight was probably the best one so far.. It felt like it was designed for people who were already familiar with Hyrule and that universe. Woot!
As far as the new one goes…phantom hourglass is coming out soon. It’s another cartoony one (a la wind waker) but only for the DS. I’m not excited about it..as I hated wind waker…it just wasn’t pure enough.
Thanks for all your help guys! I have to admit, I’m also a pretty big Zelda addict. Although the one thing that really annoys me about Zelda games is those items that are key to a specific dungeon, and are then hardly used throughout the game. Take the magnetic boots in Twilight Princess. The only time you need them other than in Goron’s domain is for the final fight, and other than that they just sit in your inventory gathering dust.
Also, what do you guys think of the Wind Waker? I really enjoyed it, and I got very annoyed when a whole bunch of my friends wouldn’t even try it because of the cell shading! More specifically, I enjoyed variety of items, and the unusual new gameplay features it had, while still keeping with the foundations of Zelda games. What about you?
Yeah, my step-brother refuses to touch it for the cel-shading alone, even though both me AND one of his friends recommends it. Its really one of the most expressive Zelda’s, in that you can see where his eyes are going and can easily tell what emotions he’s going through just by looking. The cartoony appearance is really what allowed that to come to pass.
Plus, from a technical standpoint, I’ve never seen a game with such a near-infinite draw distance before. When you get out into the ocean… There is no fog. Its a clear, sunny day, and you can see into the distance and all the way to the horizon just like in real life. The cel shading is what let that come to be. The less power given to graphics (which was still supurb), the more power could be given to EVERYTHING else.
yes i too enjoyed zelda wind waker but ganon just seemed too easy to beat i remember in oot having to use atleast 2 fairies and a whole bunch of magic replenishers to beat him the first time. but besides the hard to hit weak point of his…what was it? snake pig form on crack? he was pretty lame.
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