Is there any way to find out which flutherites I can no longer give lurve to?
Asked by
tinyfaery (
November 23rd, 2008
It seems ridiculous to keep lurving others when they no longer receive it.
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39 Answers
Well they still see it as +5 on the sidebar so I don’t think it’s ridiculous to keep lurving them when they can still be notified that their answer is appreciated.
There’s no list you can obtain (if that’s what you were looking for). You can only find out by GA-ing someone and then refreshing the page to see if their score increased. If it didn’t increase, it means you have maxed out on them. Though I would still suggest that you continue to GA them because I think for most of us, it’s just seeing the ”+5” on the sidebar (as shrubbery points out) rather than the actual score change that makes us feel all warm inside =)
Lurve my answer and refresh the page, if i dont increase, you maxed me out :P
There’s still a point to lurving someone up if their answer pleases you. When we look at a page of answers, sometimes one answer is far more lurvy than the others. It’s probably a good answer, whether or not the author felt the touch of your lurvetastic tentacle.
Ehh. I have not maxed out uber. Thought I did that a long time ago. (Lurve whore)
Or PnL. Wow. I can’t believe it.
well now i guess youll have to start lurving me more now wont you :P
There’s a max??!!?!!11
I’m starting a revolution. It’s not right!
Dammit.. I take back the lurve I just gave to uberbatman. I forgot to check what his score was before I refreshed the page so I don’t know if it counted.
<hangs head in shame>
Maxed out on Alena, but not JP.
Awwwwnaw.. now I’m really mad.
@Alena, tinyfaery – We just discovered the max lurve amount recently here
Well someone is maxed out on me cause one of the GAs I got for my response up top there didn’t increase my score…
I’m maxed on you, too, tinyfaery. A pox on this!
Haha thanks pete. I maxed out on you a looooong time ago =P and same with tiny, pnl, jp and uber.
Not maxed on pete or shrubbery. Damn. I’m lurve stingy.
@tiny – are you sure you are maxed out on Alena?
tiny: thanks for pushing me over the 3000 mark.
aww congratulations petey!
and i just checked, ive maxed out on you…still 3003 :(
Yes, I’m sure. I am maxed out on Alena.
tf – thanks. i asked because i was trying to figure out the lurve score to a specific #. hmm that’s interesting…
Let me know the number when you figure it out. I have faith in you.
I never seem to be able to tell when I’ve maxed my lurve out… It always seems to bump them up, no matter how much lurve I give.
Guess my lurve is limitless…
@bsilver – that’s probably because you haven’t maxed out on anyone yet :P
Or perhaps it’s an iphone thing… I’m not sure.
I do lurve you all a lot, but I’d still lurve even if it wouldn’t count, it goes to show that the answer or question has value.
I have tons of people I can no longer lurve, I still do. It’s an act of appreciation for their time and energy being well spent. Not to mention sometimes I just lurve the crap out of people for being silly.
The only person on this thread that I’ve maxed out on so far is asmonet.
Im maxed out on PnL, tinyfaery ,JP, Pete, and asmonet
I don’t worry about and Lurve at will.
I’m definitely maxed out on asmonet too. And Sueanne.
When I like an answer, I just click and go. I have no idea who I’m maxed out on.
I appreciate seeing the number of lurves as opposed to my score. I stopped paying attention to the score eons ago.
Well, I see I’m not maxed out on poof yet.. ha ha!!
@MacBean: Woo!
@uberbatman: Win!
@shrubbery: Hurray!
I think I’ve maxed out alls yalls. Take that!
Erm, except Bsilver. Lurve for that!
You can only find out by GA-ing someone and then refreshing the page to see if their score increased. If it didn’t increase, it means you have maxed out on them.
It would be so much better if there were a lurve meter, then you would know if you were using up all the lurve on support comments then actual good comments. Knowing where you are in lurving them would give you better lurve management; I think it is a design flaw if you ask me.
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