General Question

simone54's avatar

What the best Mega Man game?

Asked by simone54 (7642points) November 24th, 2008

I gotta go with Mega Man 2.

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11 Answers

jtvoar16's avatar

In my option? Mega Man X (10) I think it has the best depth, graphics, replay, ect… Plus I love Zero, he is so awesome in that game! The Music was good too! My next choice would have to be 2 also, it was challenging, then after that… well they all really mushed together for me. (I am more of a Metriod\Zelda guy, myself.)

simone54's avatar

No no no. That doesn’t count. Mega Man X is NOT Mega Man Ten. It’s just X. Mega Man X is the first game in a new series. It’s a great game though.

aanuszek1's avatar

MegaMan 64 ftw

Kiev749's avatar

megaman 9.

simone54's avatar

I was wondering about MM9. Is it really that good?

tonedef's avatar

I love Megaman 9. It really does feel like Megaman 2–2.

From the main series, I prefer Megaman 7. I know I’m in the majority, but the level design and weapons were top notch.

From side series, Megaman Legends. That game was awesome. Epic, and scary in parts, even!

bodyhead's avatar

X and X2 on the SNES were the best megamans and I pretty much played them all up to that point.

tonedef's avatar

Oops! I made a mistake. I meant to say that I’m in the MINORITY with MM7. Most people hate how slow and over-animated it is. I like it. There was recently a NES remake of it, because people disliked it so much.

El_Cadejo's avatar

Megaman 2. I mean how to do go wrong with music like this

Megaman Powered Up for PSP was pretty good too

Schenectandy's avatar

2 was the only one I owned therefore the best!

RAWRxRandy's avatar

Megaman ZX on DS. Although, i like the Battle Network series too… even though it goes a bit against it

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