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whattodo2's avatar

If you live with your parents while you save for an apartment, how/where/when do you have sex?

Asked by whattodo2 (94points) November 25th, 2008

Looking for some creative solutions here, please. For that matter, do you lie about where you live?

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19 Answers

wundayatta's avatar

I always did it when they were out of the house.

amandaafoote's avatar

Early in the morning when they’re sleeping!

poofandmook's avatar

when I lived with my boyfriend and his family for 7 months between apartments, we usually snuck into the bathroom and used the shower late at night. Or the laundry room.

ontheroad's avatar

secluded spot in a park, cars, girlfriend’s house, beach, got motel room one night for a particularly enjoyable evening, when they go out, in the basement quietly, tents in Sporting goods stores….

Spargett's avatar

I assume the other partner’s place isn’t an option?

forestGeek's avatar

Public parks. Public restrooms. Behind the shed. In the alley.

jessturtle23's avatar

I am doing that right now to save to buy a house and it sucks. We usually do it at night, when they are gone, or go park somewhere.

syz's avatar

Soup Nazi says ”No sex for you!

Urg, apparently I’m really tired.

wundayatta's avatar

Creative, eh? Do you work? It’s kind of cool to have sex in an office. Or, I think it would be cool, as I’ve never experienced it.

What kind of places have beds? Hospitals—you could break a leg or something, and do it on the hospital bed.

Hotels—you could check in with no luggage and a fake credit card, and then leave by the back door. Leave a tip for the cleaning woman, though. She’s got to deal with those sheets!

Other people’s apartments. When they go out of town, borrow a friend’s apartment. Again, clean your own sheets. It is very uncool to leave dirty sheets for your friend to wash.

Airplanes? You could take a trip together, and join the mile high club.

Trains: a less expensive version of the airplane, but the downside is that it’s kind of hard to brag about.

Bushes? Hmmm. It’s winter. Maybe not so good. I guess it depends how horny you are.

Subways—most subway systems have a set of interior tunnels that only the homeless and subway workers know about. You could bring a sleeping bag, and have an adventure looking for a private subterranean place to fuck.

Anyway, good luck!!

JoeyDesignsStuff's avatar

Early in the morning / in the middle of the night worked for me 75% of the time. If you can both take a lunch break or something at the same time during the day, meet back at the house for an afternoon quickie. Also makes you (or at least me) way more productive at work afterwards.

Have fun!

ontheroad's avatar

I’d have to pass on the public restrooms…

Jeruba's avatar

Well, my son sneaked into her house, sneaked her into our house, used the car in the garage, and once even paid for a motel. Of course, I didn’t know a thing about it.

cookieman's avatar

Back when we were dating (13 years ago), we would mostly use the car. When the folks went out (hers or mine), we’d take advantage of that.

However, we had friends who would simply excuse themselves and go off to her room. Later, when her mother asked what they were doing, our friend said “we were having sex.”

We were shocked and asked if they were at least quiet about it. She said, “No. My mom’s cool with it.”

arcoarena's avatar

lol the first time i ever had sex at my house I actually got walked in on by my mom which was horribly awkward…

but yeah when I was like 17 I used to use the car in church or school parking lots all the time.
that and my parents have a hot tub which was perfect for late night sneaky sex. Also my girlfriend had a furnished basement with a large staircase that was easy to hear if someone was coming down and we would just throw on the covers so i dont know if those are options for you?

You could also try this second one in a downstairs tv room and if you hear someone coming down stop and throw on a blanket.

I am actually in the exact same situation now at 22 livin at home again saving money and my current girlfriend and I just do it in my room with my parents home or not. I can’t tell if my mom knows and doesn’t care or is just completely oblivious because we aren’t necessarily that quiet and I know she has walked past the room while it was going on before and never said anything so maybe just being blatant about it is a viable option too? lol

basp's avatar

Our son and his girlfriend did it when they felt like it in the privacy of their bedroom which happened to be at the other end of the house from our bedroom. Maybe we are just liberal parents, I don’t know. But I figure having sex with one’s girlfriend when they are in their late twenties is an entirely age appropriate activity.

Trustinglife's avatar

Have you talked with your parents? What are their expectations? That might be good to know as you make your decisions about whether to be discreet or not.

Of Daloon’s creative answers, I love the “other people’s apartments” idea. Another possibility is housesitting. People always need that – taking care of their dogs or cats while they’re out of town. (Their bed needs to stay warm too.)

Jeruba's avatar

And, being the wicked person that I am, once when we’d left on vacation I insisted that we do an errand and return to the house 20 minutes after we’d left. Son was staying home alone. Didn’t catch him at anything, but he did call me a terrorist even though I pretended the return was to hand him some cash.

eatmunky's avatar

I never had a problem with that. i thought i did, so we would find all kinds of weird places to “copulate”. but in the end, we just started doing it at home, in my room late at night when everyone went to sleep. I think my parents knew what was going on, but they didn’t seem to mind. I later had a talk with them, and told them what was going on, that i was being safe and all, and from that point forward they paid it no mind. They accepted that I was responsible enough for them not to worry. If you’re comfortable enough, and have a good relationship with your parents, I would try having an adult conversation to let them know you’re not being reckless, and see what they think. Again, only if you’re up to it. And if they say no, there’s always back seats :D

scamp's avatar

@Jeruba Maybe you should have waited for an hour or so…..

@whattodo2 if you lie about where you live, it will catch up with you sooner or later. Be honest and up front, then your partner can help you plan on times/ places to have sex.

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