Can you write haiku? Let's craft a few for Fluther. Let's see what you've got!
Asked by
tonedef (
November 26th, 2008
I searched and found this. You guys wrote some great pieces. Now it’s time for more!
Let your jelly flow! Count the beats with precious care. Nothing else allowed!
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113 Answers
I love haikus, ever since we did them in English class way way back, them and tankas (5–7-5–7-7 syllables) have been permanently embedded in my brain. I can create a poem about pretty much any topic. Here’s one for Fluther:
Neverending Questions
I have a question,
but no friends know the answer.
I turn to Fluther.
Mind Opening
What’s your point of view?
I will share mine with you too!
Fluther opens minds.
Here’s a tanka dedicated to johnpowell.
Endless Activity
How do you do it?!?
No activity or q’s.
I’ve been here so long,
I cannot click fast enough
to tide the endless torrent.
I’ll brew up some more this afternoon :)
Wasting time at work
Talking to my Fluther friends
Hope I don’t get fired
(Harp, I like your piece. “Fired” is usually 2, slur it and say “farred”)
Three times is enough.
Then it gets repetitive.
Haiku; rest in peace.
Haikus inspired by my own musings on other recent threads:
Black Friday Blues
I’m skipping this years
Black Friday shopping orgy
Because the sales suck
An Ode to Cheech and Chong
I played Black Sabbath
At 78 speed once
And I saw God, man!
Why I have a car
I don’t ride a bike
Because I’m fat and lazy
And it gets too cold
Nirvana or Foo Fighters
Though I agree that
Foo Fighters are a great band,
Nirvana were gods.
My favorite one that’s been circulating around the internet for a long time is the following:
Haiku’s are easy,
But sometimes they don’t
make sense, Refrigerator.
I should be learning
But fluther’s pull is too strong
Girl in the frizzer.
Like a small green flea
Lightsaber at the ready
Yoda, my true love
My mom came up with the Yoda as flea idea
Furry, green and small
You are lovely, tennis ball
And now, my racket
My car is awesome.
Colonel Samantha Carter
is what I named her.
I am a huge nerd.
I watch sci-fi all the time
My mother watches more.
Cafe Atlantique
Alex is wearing cool shoes
This place is the best
Thanksgiving is soon
The English boys are coming
They speak with accents
@body: my aunt got me a shirt that says that last Christmas. It is my most popular shirt ever.
WOW! i haven’t written haiku since like 5th grade! i can think of some people right now who would read this thread and still wouldn’t understand the pattern of this art form, but they can hook up electronics with their eyes closed.
Here’s one I thought of while driving home in what was late afternoon, just a few short weeks prior.
Darkness at Earth’s edge
Bite after bite of the sun
Winter’s early night
See, now THAT’S a real haiku in the truest sense of the word. augustian, your haiku made my heart go pitter patter for a second, I could hear it dramatically said in my brain! Haikus were originally mostly written about nature, and spoken in the Japanese language the minimalistic yet emotive form, as well as the beauty of seeing the characters drawn in traditional Japanese calligraphy style, it truly is a unique art form.
Often is heard of
Nitrogen, Hydrogen, Tin
What of Osmium?
The first line has five.
Fluther is two syllables,
now I need three more
Just noticed the tags! Good job : )
The Haiku Haiku
First, five syllables
Second, seven syllables
Third, five syllables
Oh my gosh… haiku haiku… you just blew my mind.
hope no one was stoned when they read that
No but a few of us felt a little bit like it after we read it!
Turkey day was good.
Family. Fantastic food.
Pumpkin pie is win!
I like the 90s
The decade has many great songs
I like all of them
is that 5/7/5? im bad at counting syllables
why are you always correcting me “eambos”? anyways…take away the word great then
90s kid, You asked to be corrected.
Eambos, I only count 7 in line two. Maybe it’s the way we pronounce the words down here in the south but it looks right to me.
Im sorry, didn’t mean to sound mean, just doing what you ask. I count the second line as The(1) Decade(2) Has(1) Many(2) Great(1) Songs(1).
Ah, I pronounce “many” as 1 syllable. Mystery solved. Stupid southern slang. I speak like an idiot.
uuh… I count 8 as well.
Out of curiosity, how is it possible to count “many” as one syllable? Could you spell that phonetically? (not being snarky, I’m genuinely curious!)
(mae) Yea. I know I’m retarded. That’s why I sound slightly more intelligent when I write.
@bodyhead: If you heard the discussions that went on in my suite about the pronunciation of the word “room” you wouldn;t feel so bad.
(two of the girls say “rum” and the rest of us say “room”)
bodyhead this is the fourth time eambos has corrected me about something…and I get 80s in school shockvalue so sotp being mean…i said take away the word great…here:
I like the 90s
The decade has many songs
I like all of them
there…not rocket science…
@90’s kid: Just out of curiosity, how old are you?
probably the youngest here….14 lol
but i found this site and it was AWESOME
i hve so many question and like answering
its my new hobby…sort of
Hahaha, I understand that feeling. I’ve been on since September and I’m still completely addicted. Welcome to the collective!
@90s Kid: I apologize if you were hurt by my comment, it wasn’t meant to make you feel bad. No hard feelings?
@90s: You’re not alone…there are several 14 year olds on the site, and a 13 year old, as well!
The Obscene Haiku – here’s a haiku for when you’re really pissed and want to tell someone off…in haiku:
Fuck you, you asshole
Go to hell, motherfucker
Eat shit you dickweed
My response to the last quip…in haiku form
What’s with your last quip?
It’s only four sylables!
What gives 90’s kid?
So are 90% of the other haikus in the world. At least this one has a point.
Haikus can make sense
But most of the time they don’t
ok eambos my time to correct you ;D. it’s spelled: refrigerator
Then why the hell is the ab. Fridge?
i dont know but in second grade i got in trouble because i spelt fridge “frig” and the teacher said that was “innapropriate language for a second grader” and im like…oops
The Refrigerator Haiku
90s kid is right
Refrigerator does not
contain any d’s
Dale’s good at haiku
I admit to my mistake
Why a “d” in Fridge?
The why a ‘d’ in fridge quip haiku
I’ve no fucking clue
why they put a d in fridge
must be retarded.
Ahh, so very fun
Haiku offer nice release
Great to end the day.
maybe it’s spelt “frige”
but i dont think thats likely
I’ve never heard it
My Response to Dale’s Eighth Haiku
If we’re picking nits;
Note “syllable has two “ll”‘s.
We all make typos.
A thank you to gailcalled for pointing out my error
Oh shit, I fucked up
I must have fried my brain when
I was jerking off
oh that’s just nasty
must every conversation
end in hanky pank?
I’m just enjoying
This haiku conversation
While I watch Angel
Why is that nasty?
I cleaned of my computer
after I was done.
Eww, that’s disgusting
Way too much detail for me
Nineteen Eighty Four
I was just kidding….
The goo is still on my screen!
But, seriously….
Maybe the next time
someone will ask us to write
limericks instead
Oh, no. Limericks.
I can not wait for that one.
Too much sex involved!
Is there such a thing
as too much sex, augustlan?
I don’t think there is!
Dale is just too quick
I can not compete with him
I bow to him, now
Yes, bow before me
For I am the number one
haiku mack daddy
You make me laugh so
Oh number one haiku man
We shall all hail Dale
What a great honor
just to have my name mentioned
in someone’s haiku
Why are you special?
What have you done for us all?
I’m not fully sure
Master of Haiku
A great poet and worthsmith
That is what dale is
You’re making me blush
with all these great compliments
(well, not 90’s kid)
I will say you’re good
I can’t do any better!
I’m bad at haikus
That one wasn’t bad
You had the right syllables
Good Job, 90s kid
It is very fun
Talking in the cool manner
I will all the time
Thank you Eambos
Even though you still make sure
All things are correct
I am talking ‘bout
In my own hand-made haikus
but its for better
You’re doing just fine
keep up the excellent work
rock on 90s kid.
I have been thinking
in haiku form all day long
I may have to scream!
I did that last night
when I went to the corner
to get some more milk
As long as we don’t
talk to others in haiku
we should be okay
The best holiday
is the seventh of May, for
it’s World Haiku Day!
this question is gone
but not forgot. let us now
reclaim what we sought.
Lurve to shockvalue
for reviving this question.
I feel happy now. : )
I want to join in,
But there is much work to do.
Fluther distracts me.
As it has always
been, so shall it ever be.
Fluther steals our time.
Does that make Fluther
A machine for converting
Work time into lurve?
I guess that would be.
Why am I not working now?
Excuse poor grammar.
At nine forty-five
Tomorrow I have a test.
I should study now…
The snow is falling
and my classes were canceled.
Now it is lurve time!
My paper is done.
I can rejoice. Oh yes!
Now I will relax.
I have been watching
How I Met Your Mother and
It is a great show
I still have much work
I am jealous of Eambos
Who has finished up
Good God, am I glad
that my school days are long gone.
I don’t envy you.
Indeed you should not
I still have to take my test
Even though I’m sick
Look on the bright side:
Maybe the germs on your test
will snuff your teacher.
Harp snuffing teachers?
Please make sure you don’t get caught.
Jail’s not a good place…
Ah, but my sickness
Is extremely powerful
And could kill killers
OK, I take it back.
Guess I have some unresolved
Issues with teachers.
But KatawaGrey,
Good luck on the friggin’ test.
Hope you feel better.
Many many thanks
I need a whole lot of luck
Test will kick my ass…
Kick the test’s ass back
Or perhaps the teacher’s ass
Either one will do.
Another issue
Is: which is more elegant.
“Tests suck” or “tests blow”?
Kick no teacher’s ass!
They don’t deserve the abuse!
Lurve for that in a haiku
Pancakes in frizzers
I can almost see
The inventor of haikus
Rolling in his grave.
Lol, I say to thee
Haikus should be in Chinese
We English are wrong
Um, actually
I believe they’re Japanese.
Not that it matters
Knew it was Asian
I just had the wrong country
I should research more
History was bad
Music could have been heaps worse
The tests kicked my ass
Japan and China
Getting them confused is bad
It pisses them off
Sorry to hear that.
So, “How I met your Mother”
Wasn’t on the test?
I wish it had been
I would have gotten an A
I have watched so much
Ode to George Carlin
Can’t say 7 words
shit, piss, fuck, cunt, cocksucker
motherfucker, tits
wandering lost instead
silly maze
I have been lurking
Fluther has the greatest peeps
You guys rock this shit!
Yeah, you got that right!
Here, have some negative lurve.
Happy April Fool’s!
Fluffy clouds, sunshine
Warm breezes are in the air
May is beautiful
February cold
How I am longing for May ^^
Enough of this shit
Never ending snow
Thirty inches last week, gah!
More to come today
@90s_kid: You’re not the youngest XD I’m 13 haha right here I think this is the 13 year old augustlan was talking about. But here’s my haiku:
My world goes around.
Moon Glimmers and the sun shines
It’s you that makes it.
(like I said I dedicate it to Amber so yeah XD thanks)
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