General Question

Zaku's avatar

Why does my mousewheel cause browser forward/back navigation, and how can I fix it?

Asked by Zaku (30668points) November 26th, 2008

Windows OS’s, Internet Explorer and Firefox both do this, a Microsoft optical mouse is attached via a ps port switchbox. Instead of scrolling the content window up and down, the mousewheel results in paging forward or back in the browser, which of course causes all sorts of frustrating events. I don’t see any relevant settings in Windows, IE, or Firefox. Looks like it may even happen on Macs. Also, why would anyone ever want or allow this to happen? Seems to me this is about the worst UI idea since putting the a System Reset button next to the Enter key.

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6 Answers

tonedef's avatar

Maybe you can fix the problem with this software.

Perchik's avatar

Click somewhere in the page and then try scrolling. See if that scrolls…

Zaku's avatar

Those are both good suggestions. Thanks!

@tonedef: I will try playing with KatMouse and see if I can get it to solve the problem.

@Perchik: Good idea. It does have an effect to do that – it makes it scroll the page sometimes and/or for a few steps or seconds, but then (or also) the forward/back behavior occurs. It seems to be random or on a time delay or something weird.

Zaku's avatar

Aw darn. KatMouse is not managing to defeat it.

Perchik's avatar

Hmm. Can you try plugging the mouse straight into the computer instead of using a switchbox?

Has this mouse always done this? or is this a new development?

Zaku's avatar

Good suggestion – removing the switchbox from the chain of cords DOES stop the behavior, though of course that’s not what I’d prefer to do. Actually, it’s done this for many years, on various computer/mouse/switchbox combinations. It seems to be any Microsoft optical mouse that is plugged via a USB-to-PS2 adapter into a PS2 switchbox to the PS2 port on a Windows computer running IE or Firefox. The same kind of mouse plugged directly into a USB port does not seem to do it.

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