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jtvoar16's avatar

How many of you guys play D&D?`?

Asked by jtvoar16 (2176points) November 28th, 2008

I’m asking only because it seems to me that not to many people are playing D&D, anymore. I was at the local comic-book store today, and they only had 4 books on the shelf about D&D (the three core books and something about dragons.) This store is by no means small, so that can’t be it, not to mention, most of the people in there today playing, were playing everything but D&D, there was even a group LARPing…
I love D&D… I adore it, mainly for it’s escapisam, and the fact that it is the only game I know of that rewards inteligance and good acting, while, at the same time, allowing you to blow the F out of anything that gets in your way, or getting the F blow out of you… or many other horrible things.
I can’t find anyone in my town, (outside of the really super creepy, geeky, can’t stop talking about their 3-boobed amazon viking valkyrie warrior princess who’s main power is… sexy!) I would rather avoid them for ether, noobs like kids, cause they are fun, or seasoned players who actually are there to play the game and have fun that way, not talk about ”how awesome Buffy the hotty, hotty, hot vampire slayer is.

I just want to know there are still people out there who enjoy throwing some die and watching their +5 Keen Sword, cleave an Orc in-half, then the Elf standing next to them.

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