General Question

appleyard's avatar

Advertising/Marketing summer internship on the west coast?

Asked by appleyard (45points) November 28th, 2008

I live and go to college on the east coast with a major in English, but my dream is to break into the advertising/marketing industry. I don’t care what I do (creative dept/account planning/sales/etc), I just want to learn as much as I can about the industry.

What are tips for procuring a summer internship on the west coast (SF, Seatlle, Portland, etc)? I have a resume with minimal experience in my field, and know how to write a good cover letter – anything else I should do? Maybe some of you guys have experiences you’d like to share about how you got your first summer internship? (That didn’t involve an already established contact)

I really just want to know what would give me an “edge” in all of this. Thanks.

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2 Answers

AlfredaPrufrock's avatar

You need to start working the internet now. There are lots of services you can use. Also, hound your university placement office. Since your interest is very specific, and you have no experience, you may want to consider a paid internship (you pay for the unpaid internship experience) if you can afford it. Housing costs are expensive on the west coast, so unless you’re attending a tier one school and have an outstanding GPA, you may want to also look at interships closer to home as a backup. This is a really tough job market and a lot of companies are cutting advertising/marketing budgets as well as staff.

judochop's avatar

I live in Portland and work in marketing and advertising. I look for interns in may. Send me a private message and I’ll send you an address to submit to in may if your interested. Cheers.

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