General Question

webarnold's avatar

Where do you find your desktop wallpapers?

Asked by webarnold (58points) August 29th, 2007

I love changing up my desktop wall papers on my computers fairly often. I’ve been a member of Digital Blasphemy for several years now. I’ve also tried Deviant Art, but the site is so huge, I’m no good at find what I want there. Any other good ideas?

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13 Answers

Tennis5tar's avatar

Pretty landscapes from holiday destinations. I love taking photographs so it works for me.

Fallstand's avatar

yea, i devart is big but thats what i use

juicyful's avatar i get mine from there – they have some pretty amazing stuff.

webarnold's avatar

ahhh shoot…I didn’t realize I was duplicate posting. My bad.

webarnold's avatar

I found another cool site called Moving Insect .

gooch's avatar

I take my own. I travel alot and I think I enjoy my personal work better. You should take your own you might like it

webarnold's avatar

@gooch – I’ve often considered doing this, the problem being I don’t have a digital camera that takes pictures of high enough quality… only about 4 mega pixels.

dtone's avatar

Being the loser I am, I paid the one time lifetime membership fee for It wasn’t much, $7 if I remember correctly. They have great, High Resolution 3D wallpapers and renderings of landscapes, water, and abstract objects. They even have dual screen wallpapers, those made for a 30 inch display, Mac specific sizes, etc. Check em out.

klaas4's avatar

@wildog426: Me too! Love it!

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