Question about Fluther?
I’m new to Fluther, but have been reading the various postings with quite some interest over the past few weeks. All in all, I’ve found the questions (and more importantly, the answers), very interesting and mature. I was just curious what more frequent and older members of Fluther think about their experience.
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34 Answers
I love fluther. I came here on a whim, thinking it would be like YA (YahooAnswers.) I saw it on my iPhone 1st gen when I first got it. I sorta poked my head in from time to time, asking random questions. Then my young friend started to use it a lot when I was with him, so I started watching the question closer, and quickly came to realize how amazing this place is. I agree, everyone is so mature here, or very childish, in a mature sorta way. The thing that blows my mind about Fluther is the experience and knowledge. I’ll ask an obscure question, thinking “no one will answer,” and by god, people will answer my question with actually answers, not just jokes or b.s.
I love this place and it is the only place on the internet where I have come back to over and over again. Most forums I join I never go back after a few weeks, at most, but this place, I am on here every 30min, checking my updates.
I’ve been on here for a few months, and it’s been great. It’s funny how much my Internet lifestyle has changed since I joined. Fluther is like a club that I’ve joined that I can turn to when I’m in need of help (or simply bored). I love how serious discussions can develop, how there can be a real connection between members. I also love the humor on here.
Even though I’m not older (I’m 19) I respect everyone’s answers on here. They’re usually great and exactly what I’m looking for. People take the time out to answer everything to the best of their ability and it’s just amazing. Way better than yahoo answers :D
Out of curiosity, do you mean older as in age or length of time on Fluther, spartacus?
@Chelsea- THAT’S IT. “People take the time”. When I post a question or answer, I know it will be read, and I’ve made friends that seem to genuinely care about my well-being. I don’t know anything about other Q and A sites, but this is unique to me.
Oh, OK. I will join in on the love-fest.
I joined not too long ago. I like the format and the fact that it is moderated.
I also like the wide variety of ages of jellies (Fluther members) and experiences. Although there could be a greater diveristy in political views (cough, cough).
Completely true shadling21, everyone does seem to genuinely care. Of course now and then in our more serious questions there are some funnier ones. I mean I joined what, three days ago.. And I’m already on this site more than any other site. More than informational, it’s enjoyable and fun. You get to help people out and you get to have discussions while also putting your two sense in.
And Snoopy, what kind of political views do we need here? I’m a libertarian!
@chelsea Fabulous! We seem to be tipped heavily in the, uh, <<<<<<<<< left leaning direction.
Not that there is anything wrong w/ the left leaning. Easy, now. Just a little more variety of views, if you please.
Welcome, @spartacus. I’m new, too, and I’m quite well satisfied with my experience of the past three weeks.
I’d been a recognized regular at another Q&A site for two years. It was an uneven experience: some real and helpful Q&A exchanges, but a lot of trash content mixed in. Eventually I became terminally disgusted with the tone and fled. Looking around, I found Askville, and postings I saw on Askville led me here.
This is a very congenial environment, well maintained, with a core of regulars who keep it friendly. The lurve points allow you to see that you’re building some experience through your contributions without its being competitive in a win/lose sort of way. There seems to be equal tolerance for serious inquiries and light-hearted opinion polls, and there is a wealth of well-informed, articulate participants who readily share their knowledge.
”..there is a wealth of well-informed, articulate participants who readily share their knowledge.” Jeruba is at the top of that list, let me add.
@snoopy, gotcha. I think a more variety could spice this place up as if we need spicing up, HA!
@gail, why, thank you. You are very kind. I had far more senior members in mind. I’m taking away more knowledge than I bring.
@shadling21: sorry, I should’ve been clearer…by “older” I meant folks who have been members for some amount of time.
I’ve been on for almost two years and I love it. It is very interesting to see how things have changed over time, mainly with the influx of lots of new people, and lots of younger people (referring to age here). With that, a lot of more right leaning folks have also joined. I don’t mind the balanced being tipped in my direction. A large number of people on here are from the Bay Area—what would you expect? ; )
That said, I think people are normally pretty respectful of differing views. There are a few annoying people who go on pro-life rants when it doesn’t even pertain to the question, but aside from that I think we’ve been able to have some good discussions on here. I don’t use any other q&a site, but sometimes a google search will bring them up. I can’t stand the YA format and far prefer fluther. Welcome!
Thanks everyone for your useful insights. I think this is going to be fun :-) Incidentally, is there an iPhone application for Fluther that I haven’t come across yet?
I’m on my iPod touch as we speak, so far I haven’t found one. :[
I don’t have an iphone, but people are constantly fluthering from their iphones so I assume there is….
it’s not an App from the Appstore, it’s a WebApp from the Apple Website. Just goto on your iphone\ipod and you will be directed to the “webapp.”
I’m on my iPhone right now. There isn’t an official app, but the site is set up beautifully for the iPhone. No need for an app, I think; it’d just be redundant.
I was thinking that same thing, but then it occurred to me, you could add in some “bells and whistles” with an actual App, compared to a WebApp. The only function I could think of that might be a good one would be “Type Now, Ask Later.” So if you have a question, but no internet, you can type it into the App, then when you get near internet (3G, or WiFi) the app would automatically send the question to Fluther. Outside of that, there really isn’t any reason to have it be an App, other then stability and looks.
the only thing I hate is having to scroll so damn much haha
When I found it… I was giddy. Now I’m very pleased and just grateful to take part.
I am older but not very experienced. I have been using the internet for almost 20 years without looking at Q&A sites. Every once in a while I would look at comments to news stories but got scared by the misogynists, misfits and maniacs. In the summer of 2007 Amazon was relentless in their emails about Askville so I checked it out. Snoopy, there is such a slant to the right in the ‘ville that a lot of times you are in danger of flying off into space. Once I agreed with Al Gore’s proposal that drying clothes outdoors might save energy and my life was threatened. lol
There was some nice discussion of history, music and movies yonder, which I kind of miss here where the world seems to start around 1988. Yes there is a younger vibe here. In the ‘ville most of the usernames indicate posters are somebody’s grandparent.
For a year in the ‘ville there were no obvious moderators which was OK by me, sometimes it’s fun to see the crazies and even confound them with logic. One day big brother appeared and it turned out he was a fascist and was sending people (the wrong ones) to concentration camps.
I followed the breadcrumbs here and it is a brave new world. I roll my eyes at some of the questions about “How can I get her to bed me?” and “How can I get him to love me?” and “Look at what I just found on my body” But for the most part it is calmer. Who’d of thunk it? And nobody has threatene to kill me here…or send me to hell.
all in all, for me, it’s addicting.
Wonderful group of people here. Smart and funny.
I’m also a member of Metafilter and they have a place where people can ask questions. The level of discussion is similarly high to what’s seen here, but it feels more formal and rigid than Fluther (off topic discussions are not really accepted in the answer thread). I started contributing here and really love the atmosphere and discussions, I’m finding I’m spending more time sharing here than I ever did at Metafilter, meeting new people… it’s all so much fun! :)
@gg To be clear, I am not interested in a site that tips too far either way
or insists on sitting firmly in the middle.
Variety of opinons is what I appreciated the most. The “me too” culture is boring and sometimes w/out independent thought.
I’ve only been here a short time and I am truly enjoying the depth & breadth of knowledge here, it’s amusing and interesting and totally addictive!
I am an older member, a frequent user and a long-time participant.
@gailcalled: It also appears you are quite revered around here!
BtB: Live long enough, have the right relatives, and you will be too.
@gail: Hope springs eternal.
Fluther is lovely. Like a vase of beautiful flowers.
Is a great community we have build together. Live proof that not all the internet is absolute anarchy and that internet users can debate in a civilized way. I think we should thank too to the moderators who are the ones who are constantly cleaning up fluther, that helps to raise the standard :)
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