What are the best zombie movies?
Recently, I’ve started to become interested in zombie books, movies, and video games. I think it was because I read Cell by Stephen King, or maybe because I’ve been playing too much Left 4 Dead. Either way, I’m looking for some good zombie movies, so all of your suggestions are appreciated. Movies I’ve already seen include: Dawn of The Dead, original. 28 Days Later. 28 Weeks Later. And Night of The Living Dead, original. (Is the ‘06 Night of The Living Dead any good?)
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53 Answers
One of my favorites was the new Dawn of the Dead. It has all the classic zombie stuff, except they can run! Added a new element, for me. I also loved Shaun of the Dead. Scary and funny…what more could you ask for?
The new Dawn of the Dead came out in ‘04, right?
Yep, that’s the one. Night of the Living Dead, and the older Dawn of the Dead are classics, but definitely show their age, too.
Yeah, for sure. George A Romero is wonderful.
Yeah Left 4 Dead is awesome, but i have been a fan of zombie themes for a while. I liked the movie “Diary of the Dead”, “Day of the Dead”, “Quarantine”, “The Zombie Diaries”( i haven’t seen it yet but I’m going to).
Romero’s original work was astounding, unfortunately everything has been downhill for him. I’m not even going to acknowledge Land of the Dead…
Shaun of the Dead is an all time favorite, in any genre.
A couple good zombie movies that are off most people’s radar would have to be Fido and Herbert West: Re-animator which is based off the works of H. P. Lovecraft.
@popo7676 Really? Quarantine? I’ve heard a lot of negative feed back on that.
Thanks for your answers everyone.
I’m thinking about just renting the full Romero “Dead” series. :P
Go for the whole Romero series, yeah. The second and third ones are the best, IMO, but when I watched them I did it as a semi-marathon (one a day instead of all in one day) and I’d recommend doing it like that.
I hate zombie movies. I dont know why i just cant stand them, theyre boring. That said i loved the new dawn of the dead because it was quite humorous. The whole sniper rifle scene was great, especially since they were playing Peter Cheese in the bg. Shaun of the dead was great too.
yea im more of a comedy guy…
Planet Terror. It’s not strictly a zombie movie, but it’s PURE AWESOME. CHECK THE AWESOME. Really, I’ve re-watched this so many times.
@uber: Do you mean Richard Cheese?
Shaun of the Dead is the best zombie flick I’ve seen. There are tons of humor in it, and the actors are great.
And I totally second shockvalue’s opinion about Fido and Re-Animator.
@shockvalue WOW stupid typo on my part…. my excuse is it was 4am :) but yes i lurves RICHARD dick Cheese. Lounge against the machine was great.
Like many people said, the George Romero series is the best. I would also suggest Zombi 2 (a knockoff of the Romero series). Read about the “shark scene” and the “eyepoke scene” on Wikipedia.
For books, I Am Legend is the essential undead masterpiece (the film is horrid).
Unless you want to laugh… A LOT.
When we watched it, we just tried to pick out every movie it was referencing/stealing from.
I don’t know if this fits the catagory, but Dracula 2000. It was the first horror movie I ever saw. I mean, Dracula is kind of a zombie—...sorta…—
@aanuszek? Really? I Am Legend? I thought the movie was mediocre. They should’ve stuck to the same plot as the book, it would’ve been so much better.
Also, I’m going to pick up a good Zombie book today or tomorrow, would any of you recommend World War Z?
I read WWZ maybe… 2 years ago? I’m going to skip all the clichĂ© back-of-the-book quotes and just say: Read it! It’s really damn good.
Thanks shockvalue.
Again, thanks everyone for their answers. I have a long list of movies I need to see now. :P
Shaun of the Dead was great. Hot Fuzz (by the same guys) was also really funny.
@Lightlyseared Yeah, I saw Hot Fuzz. Liked it a lot. I’m going to rent Shaun of the Dead tonight, seeing that it’s probably the most recommended here.
The new James Bond movie: The Solace of Something. (It will also cause you to lose some hearing if you don’t wear the earphones provided by the theater.)
Wait, The Quantum of Solace is a zombie movie?
The walking, running, shooting, exploding, mumbling cast sure looked like zombies to me.
Even Dame Judy Dench was incomprehensible.
No, it was just brainless.
@gail: people keep saying it was awesome and that I should see it (i’m a HUGE James Bond fan), but I feel that it’s going to suck because there are no gadgets and no sex (not that I actually want to see the sex). When I read that (it was an article on The Best of James Bond(it was in a news magazine, I forgot what it’s called but it’s really dependable)) I was like, “nope. I’m not going to see it. One-no Sean Connery(pretty much did that for me) and two-no gadgets or sex.” I mean really.
@comedian I don’t think the lack of sex and gadgets make it a bad Bond film the complete lack of a plot make it a bad film. It shows the screenplay was written in the writers strike.
ok but like every James Bond ove (except this) has at least one gadget. It’s tradition. It makes James Bond.
And the complete incomprehensibility of the dialogue doesn’t help either. Plus the new Bond, what’s his name, has only one expression…stone-faced.
The only good thing about the new guy, is that he kind of has Sean Connery type lips…kind of.
Well, Angelina Jolie’s lips star in the new movie “Changling.”
He did have a gadget. It was a mobile phone that took pictures. Don’t tell me you missed all the product placement.
I just watched Shaun of the Dead. It was a good movie, but I still prefer my straight out zombie movies, instead of spoof-like movies.
It was worth the rental though.
@light: um…I have a camera phone also. I’m talking about jetpacks, suit cases that can explod, and a homing chip that can fit into your shoe
@comedian I was making a point about the blatant rampant product placement in the film. Don’t you guys have any sense of humour.
I have a great sense of humour, but I didn’t get that joke.
Sorry. Irony (well possibly sarcsasm if I’m being honest).
There was also a labeled can of motor oil…critical to the plot-line, what there was of it?
I too see neither humor, irony nor sarcasm but simply a clear statement of fact.
The irony (as I see it) was that the only gadget that Bond used was a mobile phone that could take pictures. Bond being famous for having access (normally) to cutting edge technology to get himself out of all sorts of scrapes is reduced to something that every teenager has had for years. well I thought it was funny… but I am very easily ammused
There was also a Ford in a car chase with a suspiciously big Ford badge on the front of it, although that might have been becasue it was such a small car.
Ummm….I still don’t get it
Think about it Comedian, it makes sense. :P
Humor is only humor if your audience laughs, by definition. If one has to think, it’s not funny. At least, that’s my take.
@gailcalled Well, I found it funny, because I got it after the 1st read. So it’s humor to me.
@Mr: Well I don’t, so it’s not funny to me.
Two tangents:
I can’t actually answer your question, because zombie movies scare the bejesus out of me, like a lot of movies, but you mentioned being into zombie books, so I wanted to share one with you. I read a zombie book recently that was really cute. It was called Gil’s All Fright Diner. It’s not scary, but it is about zombies, and it’s a really fun quick read.
Lastly, worst zombie movie ever: Night of the Living Jews. Do not see it. Whether you want to be afraid, laugh, or just be entertained in any way, because it did none of those things for me. Okay, no, I take that back, if you want to cringe, over and over again, then it’s the movie for you.
Definitely Shaun of the Dead
Timeless slow-mover zombie- Children Don’t Play With Dead Things
Hilarious zombie- Zombieland
New twist zombie- Mutants
The best Zombie movies are those that realise that the monsters are the other people you’re left with not the zombies for example 28 days later.
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