Weed and nj?
Asked by
afghanmoose (
November 30th, 2008
from iPhone
I tried to do some research on weed but couldnt find anything;Why is it in some states the penalty for having weed is like getting a parking ticket compared to NJ,how can it be legalized in states or penalty of having be to a minimum and how can nj be like california and have our own proposition 215,i think thats the right one.Also do u think obama will tax weed and legalize it,didnt he also start his campaign on trying to legalize it
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38 Answers
John Corzine has said that if a bill makes it to his desk regarding medicinal marijuana he will sign it. I really wish NJ was more lax about our marijuana stance, but oh well.
As far as Obama goes, no i dont think he will. Not in his first term at least. He has much more important things to take care of first, and while i do believe that marijuana/hemp would be a great way of solving the economic crisis/cutting ties to foreign oil/making for a greener country, i just dont see it happening.
Obama has stated however that he is in favor of medicinal marijuana. He also talked a lot about how hes for getting rid of programs that are a waste of money <glares at the war on drugs>i mean just think about it, if they stopped dumping billions of dollars into this pointless “war” and turned around and legalized hemp(which we could then export) all the money america would make)
Sooo im keeping my fingers crossed. I do have confidence however that this whole Drug War wont get worse under obamas presidency.
Interesting point, uber. Yes, the WOD is a collossal waste of money. Yes, hemp is green in so many ways. Yes, we need a completely different attitude towards recreational drug use, that is based on actual harm, not fearmongering (under such a policy, alcohol would be prohibited again, or all drugs would be decriminalized).
I also hope the other war is ended pretty soon, speaking of wasting money.
States rights are a big issue in the US, and because the Feds don’t handle everything, they leave it up to states to decide how full they want their prisons to be, warehousing perfectly employable and talented people.
You want to use weed? Is that why you’re asking? Becuase weed is bad for you…just thought I’d point that out
Comedian please dont chime in if you dont know what your talking about
Whoa Whoa. I wasn’t. It was sounding like he was going to, so I just wanted to say that. No need to have a hissy fit
Uhhhh the question is asking about medical marijuana. How is that telling people to go smoke?
You know what, it’s funny. I’ve lived in jersey my whole life til this past year. The other states I’ve lived in seem more laid back when it comes to pot, but way hardcore about other stuff like in Cali you can’t wear a corded headset, NJ and Cali are very different in a lot of aspects, but hey, you can only hope that it will one day, be legalized. If not for everyone, then atleast for Medicial use in Jersey
Look up truals on weed commedian,it destroys bacteria,better than most drugs.just google it.i mean i love what california did when it came to weed and legalizing it.here in jersey we got a lot of old folks who have severe chronic pains and aches,if weed was legal here then they wouldnt suffer as much.also why doeant anyone get a bill on corzines desk then when it comes to weed and y doesnt he propose one?
Seriously marijuana is the greatest medicine. I got in a car accident back in september and screwed up my back. What do i get? The highest strength of percosets they can prescribe. So instead of allowing me to take something that relieves my back pains and actually lets me sleep at night(the pain is horrible at nighttime) they give me percosets. A highly addictive opiate that fucks your endorphins up and puts you in even more pain when they wear off. YAY our medical system is ass backwards.
As far as “why doeant anyone get a bill on corzines desk then when it comes to weed and y doesnt he propose one?”
“For the fourth consecutive year, a medical marijuana bill, AB 804 has been introduced by Assemblyman Reed Gusciora (D-Mercer) and a companion bill has been introduced in the state Senate. DPA’s New Jersey office is working the legislature, but there seems little likelihood the Senate will act.
“The Senate has always been the hold-up,” said Ken Wolski, RN, executive officer of the Coalition for Medical Marijuana-New Jersey. “Although Gov. Corzine has said he would sign a bill if it gets to his desk, the Assembly doesn’t really want to mess with it if the Senate won’t move on it, so here we are.””
Uber,I love you for that post.
afghan: heat kills germs better than weed but we don’t cauterize wounds with red-hot steel bars anymore. There are better choices. Also, any smoke, even wood smoke, can cause lung disease if inhaled regularly-or don’t you inhale.
If medical marijuana ever becomes legal at the federal level don’t expect an end to the WOD. The rules and consequences will just become standardized. After all medical oxycontin is legal and people still go to jail for illegal use, possession and distribution…and it’s a felony.
If you’re going to use pot (for medicinal purposes only, of course) then grow it in your bedroom closet for your own use. It’s a nice little hobby and will keep you busy in your spare time. BTW like most medicine, you shouldn’t drink alcohol or operate vehicles while using it.
@galieogirl “Also, any smoke, even wood smoke, can cause lung disease if inhaled regularly-or don’t you inhale.” Thats why you use a vaporizer. ^_^
One of the biggest issues with legalizing weed is simply the government admitting it was wrong all these years (for instance, the gateway theory), and dealing with the prison population currently sentenced for weed related crimes. There are also a lot of industries (paper, textiles, biofuels) who would be threatened by having cannabis and hemp legalized, so you bet they are lobbying to keep things the way they are now.
Cannabis was the first crop ever cultivated by humans, and for good reason, it’s one of the best plants around. Hemp is a wonder material which can be used for things from strong cord to clothes (hemp is much much more eco-friendly than cotton, not only does it grow much bigger than cotton plants but it doesn’t require pesticides to manage) to paper and animal food and bedding. Hemp seeds not only can be used as a biodiesel, but have all the necessary amino acids and fatty acids to sustain life, and can even be made into hemp milk and hemp tofu. The medical applications of cannabis have been proven time and time again. It is impossible to overdose on cannabis, and not one death has been attributed to cannabis solely. Not to mention, think of the billions in pure profit the government could make by taxing the sale of marijuana.
I honestly can’t understand how alcohol is legal when tens of thousands of people die each year because of it, yet marijuana remains illegal when it has been proven to be beneficial in all ways.
Comedian, you should be aware that much of the drug “education” in America is propaganda, the government has made marijuana out to be much dangerous than it is. Many drugs, like cocaine and heroin are in fact quite addictive and cause damage, but equating the “dangers” of marijuana with the true dangers of cocaine is like equating the running speeds of a long-time couch potato with a world class marathon runner. The fact that the government chooses to use fear tactics to scare you away from doing something, instead of being honest and truthful and giving you the facts, is worth evaluating. Also, life is bad for you, drinking is bad for you, even going outside is bad for you cause you could get hit by a bus. What matters more than if something is “bad” is the odds and impact of it happening.
Hey, hey! Be nice to comedian. He’s a comedian. He was joking! Not every joke is funny.
@dynamicduo lurveeeeee :P
i do however believe marijuana IS a gateway drug. But thats the governments fault. They made it one.
For those who don’t know, the gateway theory has never been proven to be statistically relevant. It is another instance of correlation not implying causation, especially when you look at how the number was gotten to. Supporting uberbatman’s point that the government made it into a gateway drug is the case study in that article about Holland, where it is legal for adults to purchase marijuana in certain shops. In Holland the marijuana prevalence among youths is one third that of America, and while lifetime marijuana use did increase three-fold to a bit over 13 percent, other drug use (both one time and lifelong) has remained at the previous levels. It shouldn’t come as a surprise that youths are drawn towards things that are “banned” for them. One last point about this, many kids spend their youth listening to the government’s message that ALL drugs are bad and dangerous; if they try marijuana and find it is not dangerous, they figure the government’s other talk about other drugs are also lies and they start experimenting with the truly dangerous drugs. As always, honesty is the best policy.
uber: It is unhealthy to inhale any particulates. The lungs will be damaged over the long run. Adults should be able to ingest, inject,inhale or insert anything they want as long as they don’t visit the consequences on the rest of us.
@dynamicduo Thats exactly what i was talking about. You try weed and realize DAMN IVE BEEN LIED TO!!! Then i looked up erowid and realized ive been lied to about much more.
I think erowid should take DAREs place in schools. I could see a dramatic decrease in drug abuse coming from that.
@daloon: I’m a girl…and I wasn’t really joking…
@comedian: Huh? What? The comedienne is not joking? How can this be? My world is falling off it’s stilts! (like a house)
I knew you were serious. I was just cracking on your name. I didn’t know you were a girl, though. The picture of the man kind of fooled me. I hate this cross-avatarring! Then again, I’m an old fogie. You young people have ways that don’t make sense to me.
Sorry, I shouldn’t make light when there are serious comediennes around.
Weed + Cancer = Medical help without pain, suffering, and a crap load of monies. But apparently weed is bad for you. So I guess… Medical help without pain and suffering= bad?
Weed cures cancer??? That’s a new one for me. That’s just a crap load of crap. Once you have cancer, you will have pain. There is no magic pill or joint. Experience says life itself means a certain amount of pain, you can’t avoid it forever. Face it, beat it down, and you won’t fear it any more.
She isnt saying weed cures cancer. Shes saying weed eases the pain of cancer.
Weed + Cancer does not equal medical help.
Hmm when did I say “cure” hmm cure no I dont see those words up there nope not at all. And um how about you do some research before you throw your little bitchy fit.
Further more galileogirl lets just say you have a major surgery, and they have to put you on pain medication. Would you rather them pump you full of morphine, and other highly dangerous drugs, or have them give you a natural substance that comes from nature. Let me tell you something THC the chemical that can be used in other forms aside from smoking is extremely beneficial. THC isn’t going to give you awful side effects like itching, weening problems, and definitely won’t disrupt your appetite. I was stuck in the hospitol after having spinal surgery, and they had me full of the nasty crap. I felt horrible, I couldn’t sleep, I couldn’t eat, I was itchy all the time, and I kept vomiting because I wasn’t eating and because of the side effects of the morphine. I think I would have much rather them had given me a THC injection. No itching, no, pain, oh and its not addicting. So pain, yea it really sucks. Especially after major surgeries, and diseases like cancer. So don’t give me the whole just deal with it bullshit. Because it just doesn’t work like that. When your in pain everyday especially when it is partially from what is supposed to be treating you, you are going to want something else. Do your research. Then come back to me.
Well. in fact I did have major surgery (cancer and a burst gall bladder) and they did give me a morphine pump. I didn’t use it because the morphine they did give me by injection gave me crazy dreams. Three years ago I had a stroke which left me with right side paralysts. permanent continuous neuropathy and constant muscle pain. I won’t take anything beyond Tylenol because I won’t handicap myself with a brain numbing buzz. One doesn’t have to take the narcotic crap. One can decide that life is more important and refuse to give into pain, itching, spastic full leg cramps, a very unreliable GI tract etc. Sorry trance, my experience is that people have a lot more strength than they give themselves credit for.
Btw calling a woman bitchy is kind of…well bitchy, isn’t it?
@GG: So very sorry to hear about your condition. That must be awful. You sound like a strong person, but if it ever becomes too much, you sound like the perfect candidate for medical marijuana. You should never rule anything out.
@GG I respect you for dealing with such pain, don’t get me wrong on that. I am not out here to get you. I believe everyone has the right to deal with their pain in their own way. You choose to deal with, others choose alternatives. I am not saying lets dope up people with so much THC or some other drug to the point they are never really there. I am saying in high pain situations people should be offered an out. An out that is comfortable to them. Further more my original argument was that their are benefits to medicinal marijuana. There has been actual proof of this,through medical research. I am not some doped up pot head just blowing smoke (no pun intended). I actually research what I preach, I am a normal functioning human being and not some kid who sits at home all day smoking pot skipping out on school work. If you choose not to take medications,or alternative options like medicinal marijuana that is your choice. I respect that I am not saying to go do it , just simply defending my opinion on the matter.
As I have also stated earlier, I have no problem with any adult dealing with pain in his/her own environment. And I think we can all agree that dealing with pain is a personal issue that is not well served as an excuse for a social situation. I don’t want to be interacting in traffic or on the job with an impaired person, that is also my right.
And trance…bitchy?
@daloon: It’s cool. The reason for my avatar is because I love that guy. His name is Jonathan Crombie and he played The Man In The Chair in the musical The Drowsy Chaperone. I met him and he is soooooooo nice (and hot).
Anyroad. Back to the question
Weed everywhere. It’s time to legalize it!
Yea boi! i am so ready for them to legalize and tax Pot. Its about damn time.
@galileogirl Medical Marijuana is for pain. I don’t believe it cures anything but it helps with nausia following chemo and pain in general.
Few people I know smoke it. They make a pot butter and bake things like Alice B. Tokelas brownies and other goodies. It’s expensive but you can buy it as a baked good. You eat it.
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