General Question

charliecompany34's avatar

Family style or gourmet?

Asked by charliecompany34 (7816points) December 2nd, 2008

you’re at a wedding reception and here comes the food, finally!

would you prefer family style food with fried chicken, pasta, mashed taters, corn, Italian beef, green beans, etc or a big plate with a little piece of meat in the middle and stuff piled high with frilly green stuff on top of it with a swirl of some exotic gravy?

“hey, honey, uh wanna go out for ribs and fries after we blow this joint?

what is your fave wedding reception combo?

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5 Answers

clairedete's avatar

family style. usually the places where weddings are held serve bland food & when bland food is made to seem gourmet it just doesn’t work. family style will at least taste good.

laureth's avatar

When I got married, it was on a severe budget. We had it at my husband’s brother’s house, and my almost-a-sister-in-law did the cooking. Most of the food came from GFS and the grocery store and was heated up in slow cookers (like baked beans) but we also did some roast beef, a bunch of those midwestern salads (with names like “Broccoli Salad” and “Seven Layer Salad”) with pickles, olives, rolls… and people loved it. They made a plate and then it was a picnic in their woodsy back yard.

And that’s how we fed about 85 people and got married for under $2500.

Oh yeah! The groom, a homebrewer, made the beer and mead for the wedding. Yum.

clairedete's avatar

@laureth – that sounds like exactly the kind of wedding I would like to go to! I definitely should have been invited.

cooksalot's avatar

We like food. Not a pretty plate. Might I also add in Hawaii the proper wedding is a 9 or 11 course Chinese meal. If your not having a proper Hawaiian Luau.

stevenb's avatar

I like family style, though my wife REFUSED to let anyone bring potato salad.
She said “It’s a wedding, not a freakin’ picnic!”

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