General Question

VoodooLogic's avatar

What's the best way to determine my videocard's AGP slot type?

Asked by VoodooLogic (732points) December 2nd, 2008

So I got a new computer. well actually, it’s a corporate throwaway. But I want to swap out some parts and build an uber system plus a sidekick.
While the slot looks compatible, I dare not short out my motherboard by simply swaping out the videocards.

Is there a way to find the specifics of either my motherboard?

I’m sorta hoping someone will tell me that an AGPx2 cards and AGPx8 cards (or what have u) are like RAM and will not be able to plug into devices they’re not suited for . if that is the case, then woo hoo! if not – please spare any Nike slogan you were thinking of typing… thanks!

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5 Answers

jtvoar16's avatar

As far I know (I stopped bothering with video cards back when 512 megs was top line and x16 was all the rage and SLi wasn’t a “stock” feature) You can not plug in anything that isn’t supported, just like ram. I know that my 8x card would not fit my 16x slot, and of course vis-versa.

If you are wondering, try to figure out what video card you have and check their website, if nothing else that will tell you what type of card you have and can use.

Don’t quote me as law, as I am “out of the loop” with technology like that. But I am pretty sure they (the video card companies) wouldn’t switch anything up, even with Vista.

jtvoar16's avatar

I would ask some of the kids on the site. They are all into the new technologies and what-nots.

funkdaddy's avatar – check out “compatibility”

It might also be PCI Express – – scroll down to “physical layer”

Bo knows motherboards?
My better is better than your better?
Leave nothing?

VoodooLogic's avatar

oh, crap – I must be out of the loop too. I totally forgot PCI express.

I was thinking of ‘just doing it’, regarding swapping cards.

jtvoar16's avatar

LOL @VoodooLogic:
Ya, as was I. I think I will stick with iMac’s and RAM upgrades!
I even mentioned SLi, which requires PCI Express :(

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