Your average surburbanite zombie.
For my Drawing final I’m planing to create 8 to 10 drawings (about 9×12 each) depicting mundane suburban events—but with zombies instead of humans. No gore, no violence, all metaphor. (political)
I’m thinking, something akin to Leave It to Beaver-style suburbia, the perfect “atomic family” setting. I want to compare [Smug? Deluded? Sheltered?] ‘50s suburbia to the War on Iraq, and how America is so damn complacent when faced with the daily atrocities in the rest of the world.
Anyhow, do you guys have any ideas for scenes? So far, I’ve got: A woman in a kitchen looking upset with a broken pickle jar at her feet; A guy working at Gamestop with a sign that says “killer deals”; A man eating noodles, but with a human head in the bowl and holding an eyeball in his chopsticks, and… Well, that’s about it for now.
Suggestions are mandatory welcome!
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56 Answers
Heres an idea, How about a guy in his early 20s, Gaming away on some WoW in a room lit only by his monitor obviously “droning” away at the game. with a news paper sitting on the desk next to him, with some political headline on the front page like, No WMDs Found in Iraq. Or somethin like that.
Thanks! That’s a really good idea.
How about a zoned-out Flutherite hunched over his keyboard at 4:37 in the morning?
Hm, heres another one. Maybe you can do something with a lone war protester on a busy campus (Ohio State comes to mind) And hes holding up a sign that says somethin like, stop the attrocities in iraq, or what ever.. And the war protester is a normal human. But all the people walking by him are zombies. maybe one is snackin on a hand sandwich from zomdonalds i dunno lol
zombies Christmas shopping at say, best buy, and all the T.Vs in the back Iraq war news or images going on. The shoppers are not looking at the T.V section but other appliances. I feel like this war is so disgusting and generally hated by the American public, wow thats me having faith, that we tend to ignore it. 4500 soldiers have died and I was shocked to see that as I forgot it was even going on… the media doesn’t cover it much anymore yet people are still dying. Ignorance is bliss… sad but I think it’s a strong statement to make in a piece.
yeah, thats a cool idea. you could maybe switch it up and make it black friday and the mumbai attacks on the tv. that is pretty relevant to what just happened.
@ LKidKyle not a bad idea! unfortunately I don’t think many Americans even know that the Mumbai attacks are…
oh and just to say so in my idea have someone getting eaten! particulary the annoying salesmen at Best Buy haha.
lol hey, I use to be a salesman at Circuit city…. and yeah, you’re right about that, but if i was drawing a political cartoon it would be good because then maybe people would look at it and be like hmm what is this cartoon about. then they would get a clue about Mumbai. But I have another cooool idea for your project. Maybe you can do a scene that involves George Bush depicted as a zombie, and maybe hes got some adviser trying to explain something to him like the economic crisis or the war in Iraq, or something like that.
everyone mowing their suburb lawns in sync. (fun with 2 point perspective, perhaps?)
Zombie mom in carpool line, driving SUV, with kids in uniforms
A buncha zombies in line at the supermarket (or a fast food counter) waiting their turn. Perhaps each one has a cart full of brains?
Zombie grandma puts war headline newspaper frontpage in zombie canary’s birdcage….
There are plenty of timezones steve6.
How about a zombie watching a television showing a zombie watching a television showing a zombie watching a television and so on in an infinite sequence.
It just occurred to me that the whole thing can be made to appear as if it is on a television, so that the viewer is drawn in as part of the sequence. Or is that a bit of overkill?
How about the aftermath of the Walmart trampling incident, except they’re all zombies and the guy who got trampled is just getting up again.
How about a zombie pumping gas and above the gas pump, a hopper of dead soldiers that feed into the pump?
Zombie family sitting down for their holiday dinner, but the tree in the background is a pile of skulls.
Zombie dad walking in the front door of his house, briefcase in hand, with loving zombie family waiting to greet him.
Zombie ironworker sitting on a steel girder, high above the skyline, with his lunch pail full of ..???
Zombie family sitting on couch watching a a 1950’s style TV, with zombie Lucy on the screen.
Zombie mom walking zombie Johnny to the bus stop for his first day of school. Looking in the bus window, you see that the bus is full of…???
Zombie mom and dad, lying in their separate twin beds, a la ‘50s married couples.
This sounds like an awesome project. If you don’t mind, do you think you could show us a few of the finished copies when you are done?
Did it ever occur to you that the average suburbanite is not a zombie?
You are using a broad brush in your judgement. Are there not city dwellers who are zombies?and what about country folk? They have their zombies too, don’t they?
It won’t be your art if you ask others for ideas.
So if someone tells me “Write me a story about [whatever their idea is]” and I do it, it’s not mine?
Sorry if I offended, but I wasn’t talking about you MacBean.
@laureth, zombies in line at the grocery on cell phones.
Zombie walking a dog through a park, or playing Frisbee with a severed hand.
Zombies on the subway/bus with one normal dude in the corner seat looking nervous.
Zombies at the gym on the treadmill drinking bottles of blood.
@Alfreda: Oh yes! I see you’ve studied this before! ;)
I like the idea of working a newspaper with a major headline into a piece. Especially if it was while the zombie was playing a war video game and the newspaper headline was about war. Definitely dramatic.
I also like the idea about TVs in a store playing scenes of war, while being completely ignored by the zombies. But instead of having them look at different appliances, have them staring at the TVs, saying something like, “Oh, my God! These are killer sales!”.
I’m not offended, but my reply did sound defensive. Sorry about that. I’m just honestly wondering if you think things like commissioned art and class assignments and things like that don’t count as a person’s work because they didn’t come up with the ideas. And in this case, it sounds like shockvalue came up with the general idea and is just asking for ideas to take extra inspiration from.
Have to agree with MacBean. Art is inspiration. Without inspiration, there wouldn’t be art. I mean… Does that mean people who paint pictures of landscapes don’t create original art? No, not at all.
Not zombies but think soulless. I saw this on TV today. You know how the Japanese are always coming up with useless “robots” like dogs and athletes? Well they were showing off their latest incarnation-robot pole dancers. The thought of sad little men sitting around watching metallic inventions with cones on their “chests pole dance just make me giggle.
By the way zombies are kind of passe aren’t they and totally unrealistic. A better critique of the emptiness of suburban life might have people interacting with technology instead of other people-that’s really where heading.
How about young couple in love walking along holding hands but talking on cell phones instead of connecting with each other. Or the strip club with the female robots, or a patient on the couch in a psychiatrist office with a pc in the dr’s chair
Which bears the question, how does a robot go about getting a labial piercing?
Zombie prostitutes (just going through the motions).
Zombie library, where books are full of brains.
Zombie sushi chef with no fingers.
Zombie golf, with eyeball for ball.
Zombie management consultant (getting rid of the deadwood).
Zombie factory, robots making zombies.
Zombie Christ back from the dead (not quite as planned).
I like the zombie Christ. But the bible did it first!
Christ came back as a Zombie in the Bible?
Yep! You know, the whole walking out of the tomb thing?
Glad someone knows what I’m talking about!!!!!
sorry, drunk fluther means more exclamations(!)
Teenage zombie girls all dressed the same at a mall food court.
a family sitting on a couch watching TV together. And on the tv is the news and its showing images and stuff from Iraq. And the dad is just about to click the remote to another channel, make it look like the whole family is totally uninterested in whats going on in our world.
heres another one, a teenager or an adult at the mall with a cell phone texting, and she has some wrapper from her lunch that she just finished at the food court. Shes standing beside a garbage can and a recycle bin. The wrapper she is holding is clearly recycable but she blindly throws it into the garbage can. But somehow make that into one image lol.
Zombie White House
Zombie Congress
Zombie House of Rep.
Zombie election
Zombie politic based themes
Kroc: shock is into creative cartooning not documentary photography.
hokay guys!!!1!one one one
I’m almost done. I’ve guesstimated that each one has taken roughly 7–14 hours each (pathetic I know…) so I only have 4 at near completion.
Thank you so much to everyone for your suggestions! they really helped out… And I hope to draw them all when I get the chance! But for now, here’s what I’ve got…
Enjoy: BRA I I I I NS!
Hooray! You used my idea! Looks great. Very talented, but we knew that already.
They look amazing! I can’t imagine how great they’ll look totally done.
I love it (or should I say Lurve it).
Ha thanks so much guys! I’m glad you all like them.
Ohh I love them! The first one is my favourite.
Those are so cool. Can we show them to people outside of Fluther?
@desiree333: thank ye kindly, It has the most controlled lighting… which is really good when your working in just black and white :P
@MacBean: I’d be honoured! I’m about to upload the final versions now, (not that much is different) I’ll post em when I get em.
I plan to keep going with this project, so if anyone has any more ideas, feel free to throw ‘em my way!
This is cool…interactive Fluther.
Great work!
Sorry, I’m a bit late in catching on here. You have a great idea already and one that interests me namely the disconnect between the realities of war and the eagerness with which ignorant civilians wage war. I like your drawings.
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