General Question

psharma's avatar

How do you show your love for 'stuff'' (not people or pets)?

Asked by psharma (22points) December 4th, 2008

I’m trying to understand how you demonstrate their love for brands and products. If you claim to be a lover of any specific brand, how does it manifest itself in your life?

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11 Answers

TheKitchenSink's avatar

You buy a lot of stuff from them, I guess.

Also if the brand is in direct competition with another, you relentlessly, aggressively, and verbally assault anyone who prefers the competition. Or so I’ve seen.

Mizuki's avatar

By donating the stuff so other folks that need it more can enjoy it.

Judi's avatar

Depends on the product. If it’s clothing someone may literally wear it on their sleeve, if it’s Lalique Crystal they may display it for all to see, if it’s rare coins they may lock it up for no one to see. It’s kind of a broad question so I’m not really sure what you’re asking for.

bodyhead's avatar

I tell it. I really like the way Tide smells. The other day I was doing some laundry and I just said, “Tide, I love you.” Let items know when you love them.

AstroChuck's avatar

You mean after I’ve inflated her? I mean it.

flameboi's avatar

I am a big Armani/Hugo Boss fan, I have the ad campaigns all over the walls of my bedroom, I talk to my timepieces (I’m dead serious), I love the Mont Blanc lone star I drive/write/go/see with it and of course have a special place is my closet 

jessturtle23's avatar

I take really good care of it. I have racks for my shoes, places for my purses, and my cookware is hand washed.

jbfletcherfan's avatar

I’d have to say that my most beloved thing outside of people is my car. I’m an absolute bitch when it comes to other people riding with me. They’re instructed to NOT slam the doors. All in my family know not to do it. I keep it washed, vacuumed & in immaculate condition. I take good care of all my possessions, but my car is my baby. If I’m not driving it, it’s in the garage.

Jess, my cookware is 18/8 clad stainless steel & I hand wash all of that, too. I will not have water spots on them. I guess you can tell that I’m a type A personality.

waterskier2007's avatar

i love apple so i recommend to friends, help others with their mac problems, and buy tons of crap from them

gimmedat's avatar

The closest I’ve come to loving an item is my iPhone. I seriously dig my phone. I keep it with me all the time, and I often show others some of the cool capabilities it has. Instead of pulling out a wallet full of my family pics, I pull out my iPhone and move through my pics. I am often blown away with the applications and capabilities the iPhone has. I was accused last week of getting a commission from Apple because it’s the only phone I would ever recommend.

La_chica_gomela's avatar

I used to tell everyone I know how freaking amazing Wachovia is for a number of reasons I will not enumerate here because I want to go to bed tonight, and I could literally write about their spectacularness for hours. My heart used to brim with joy when I thought about Wachovia.

But now I mostly keep my Wachovia-love to myself and try not to cry.

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