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miasmom's avatar

IPhone photos question...

Asked by miasmom (3500points) December 4th, 2008 from iPhone

Is there a way to set up more photo folders on my iPhone…It looks like it would hold more than one folder, but all I get is the given camera roll…

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7 Answers

AstroChuck's avatar

Good question. I don’t see how I can add anymore than “Camera Roll” and “Photo Library.”

miasmom's avatar

how did you get photo library? All I have is camera roll.

AstroChuck's avatar

On iTunes you can put pictures from your computer. If I was in front of my computer I’d talk you through it.
Hmm. Now I’m wondering if there is a way on itunes to add more folders.

miasmom's avatar

I bet that is how you do it! Thanks!

PupnTaco's avatar

Create albums in iPhoto and tell iTunes to sync those albums.

AstroChuck's avatar

Thanks, Dave.
Wow. I really don’t know everything. How disappointing.

wilhel1812's avatar

As Dave said, it will sync with your iPhoto library and have whatever albums you have there.

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