What popular phrases or words do you want to ban from existence?
you’re at the water cooler in the office and your co-worker says “yeah, they really threw her under the bus” or “cooking with EVOO,” or even “my bad.” do these phrases annoy you? do you even use them? what phrases or words annoy you? what phrases just keep coming back, like, say “cool beans!” where does it all come from?
what is the phrase or word of the year?
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96 Answers
“rock and roll” or the phrase “sex, drugs and rock and roll”, words used in a conversation with/about musicians by people who obviously don’t make music themselves or are not very serious about, god how i hate the phrase, and the word…ugh, don’t get me started “wow, that dude is really rock n roll” ... no, he just knows 3 cords and the pentatonic scale, that’s not…ugh..rock n roll…it’s just…lame…
“Let’s touch base”
“Reaching out” to people
“No worries”
“30,000 foot view”
Anything “like a rockstar”
oh yeah, like a rockstar is also a nice equivalent of my rant…isn’t there some pepdrugdrink called rockstar ? yeah, really cool, being too lazy to be active all day….
I would like for people to stop misusing the words “gay” and “faggot”, and for them to honor diversity, equality, and human rights.
LOL. Can’t stand it, especially when people say it instead of typing it.
“That’s gay”, for obvious reasons.
“Tight” – because I don’t think most people really think about why this started being said and it’s just gross.
“Bomb” – though I hear it far less, I still hear it and… Just no.
Calling people a “pussy” in a derogatory manner, because they are not referring to cats.
someone gave drastic lurve the same time i did and, for a second, i thought i had cosmic powers
“It is what it is”
I hate that shit. What the fuck is it?
What a cop-out…
Just the common misuse of the word ironic.
_____ is my home-boy. Oh no you di’nt.
is there such a word as “irregardless?” why do people use that word?
@peedub: Hahaha! Don’t look at my profile page if you hate it that much. Mine is meant to be funny, though. When I hear people say that seriously and it’s the only thing they say, I also hate it.
And while I’m at it:
“Sea change”
“Paradigm shift”
“Outside the box”
or anyone that wants to “dialog” with someone else. Ugh.
(I’m clearly frustrated from a day at work)
@D&D- That’s awesome. You get lurvo.
oh, this will makes some people smile, others cringe…woman calls me, obviously not very good with macs, no big deal, at the end of the call she says “i’m glad you could help me out, i’m really a nerd with these things”....geeez, didn’t even get the terminology right….
I can’t stand it when someone refers to something as “an institution.”
For example: “Zachary’s Pizza, that’s a Berkeley institution man…”
______is the shiznit!
Know what I’m sayin?
Okee-dokee, pokey! Or “smoky!”
Make them say handout or laxative instead.
@Knotmyday: I used to have a boss who said, all the time, ‘Okey-dokey Artichokey!” Grrr!
That one too… strangle, head in toilet, flush, flush
sorry about the violence
If you say guestimate, I wish you a rather painful death.
You can guess.
You can estimate.
Guessing is going on a general feeling, estimating is conjecturing from established fact. There is no in between, there is no middle ground, you cannot do both at once.
“No problem.”
– It does not mean “you’re welcome.”
“on my plate”
– I am not going to eat it.
“get our arms around”
– Or hug it.
“have the bandwidth”
– I am not a signal.
“low-hanging fruit”
– Probably overripe and mushy, too.
“corner case”
Your corner case is my core issue.
“core values”
If those are your core values, you’re a corner case.
“in our DNA”
Then why wasn’t it in our DNA at this time last year?
brood (what the fuck does that mean anyway??)
i have to think so i’ll be back later…maybe
@adri – we’ll miss you like Hella while you’re gone.
the word “just”
all my friends say “just” before everything. and it is r e a l l y annoying
@bythebay-ahh no no no it’s like nails to a chalkboard to my eyes and ears
My personal top ten:
1. “Sick” “Gross” “Sweet” “Tight” -when refering to something cool, awesome, etc.—You sound like an idiot.
2. “Solid” -when you are agreeing with someone on something—What about anything I said was solid? Just say you agree with me.
3. “Right” -when you really mean correct—Just a pet peeve of mine.
4. “Ya know?” -used in general conversation as a space filler to make sure the other person is still paying attention—NO. I do not “know.”
5. “Badonkadonk” – when refering to a female’s ass—Seriously?
6. “Yada yada” – when trying to skip over a detail you don’t want to talk about or telling a long story
7. “LOL” or anyother “IM speak”
8. Repeatedly using the words “like” or “just”
9. “Aight”—Are you really too lazy to say alright or okay?
10. Using the wrong tenses in writing or speaking, such as a frequent on craigslist and many other classified sites “Need to sale quickly”—NO. Your item is FOR SALE, but you need to SELL it.
Say Whaaaaaaaat? (excuse me)
I just wish people would use the subjunctive and adverbs correctly. Everything else is cool.
The ______ gene
Play it by ear with a passion
Also, I don’t think “that’s what she said is said enough”.
Maybe I’m just a jerk but I hate it when people constantly start sentences with “I feel….” then state their opinion. For example: “I feel that the war on christmas is silly”.
Woot…no doubt about it, one of the most annoying non-words ever used.
Like (do you like know what I’m like saying.. Like?)
Gay (used in a degrading
And I also get really annoyed when people say that they love/hate something when they’re not being serious.. Love and hate are extremely strong words, not words to be thrown around..
Also, when guys call girls hot instead of beautiful. I think it’s so shallow..
Personally, I can’t stand the slang term for “dank” anymore. It seems to have wormed it’s way slowly into my vocabulary, and try as I may I can’t drop it!
@laureth: I hear the word “stimulus” at least ten times a day everyday. Good thing you’re not in my field!
As for a phrase that I hate:
People referring to themselves as ”yours truly.” Ugh ugh ew.
That’s what he/she said.
Any kind of fo shizzle speak
Hook a brotha/sista up.
Using da instead of the
Mad anything…props, love, etc.
We need to think outside the box people, on this one. I know you’ve got enough on your plates, but all the low-hanging fruit is gone, so let’s deep six the “yada-yada,” get serious, make a few guestimates, and knock this one out of the park!
I’m Lovin It or any future McDonalds slogan
the over and incorrect use of the word “like” usually attributed to teenage girls but it’s spreading like ( correct use ) the plague.
Get a job
A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush… I hate it! haha
Anywhoodle or anywho. After answering the same in an earlier, similar question I found myself saying these! Somehow, they’ve wormed their way into my brain. May have to shoot myself, now.
now there’s a muture response to the situation!~
“President Bush” Ugh, I hate those words!
@Daloon: Am so mature!
< Sticking tongue out >
@augustlan: Moi? You stick your tongue out at moi!?! Oh! Oh! I am mortally wounded! The shame! The billowing shame! <falls flat on the floor in the pose of a murdered corpse>
Shit. I have killed Daloon.
Quick, quick, @augustlan, this is what you have to recite in his ear:
We need to think outside the box people, on this one. I know you’ve got enough on your plates, but all the low-hanging fruit is gone, so let’s deep six the “yada-yada,” get serious, make a few guestimates, and knock this one out of the park!
Come down really heavy on the yadas, and say it through as many times as you can before you pass out. It should have approximately the same effect as a gallon of ammonia.
Using the term “totes” instead of “really” or “very.”
Example: I’m totes hungry!
Even though I speak both spanish and english the use of “Spanglish” annoys me sometimes.
Ohhh so you speak mexican?
@Jeruba: I yada-yadaed ‘till I was blue in the face…I hope it worked!
@Daloon! You there? <poke poke> Yada yada yada yada.
@Augustlan, I think he’s coming around…
Ai yai yai. Where do you have to go around here to get a good night’s rest? Huh?
And why does it smell of amonia? (not ammonia, amonia—the fit one falls into when thinking about Jordan too much —known to release a peculiar odor from sweat glands that is reminiscent of, you guessed it, rancid fish)
Whew! Glad you’re back : )
“it is what it is”
Really? It’s not what it’s not?
Has everyone forggotten: ‘at the end of the day’?
There’s a couple that really bother me.
If someone says, “I’m just talking out loud,” I just want to punch them in the face. What they mean of course is that they are thinking out loud. How do you usually talk? Oh yea, talking by definition is out loud.
‘Outside the box’ and ‘get serious’ also piss me off. I’m already serious first of all and second of all, I’ve never had anyone more creative then me tell me how to think. ARG.
@bodyhead: Another one of those awful misspeaks is “I could care less.” RAHHHHHHHHH.
I know it’s already been said, but “That’s what she said.”
all right that is just out
Welcome back, @Daloon. I’m relieved. You know, that was the first time in my life that I ever uttered the expression “yada yada” in any form. I took an intense dislike to this nattering vocal ellipsis the very first time I heard it, and I have not grown fonder of it since. Thank goodness Augustlan did most of the shouting.
@Jeruba, I don’t know how it happened, but all that yada-yada-ing would scare death out of anyone!
I’m not sure I can remember the first time I heard the term, but I remember being confused about what it meant. It might not have been until Seinfeld that it became really clear.
I do know that I refuse to think outside the box and I refuse to work anywhere where they have a box. My thoughts roam the vastness of mountains and cities and prairies, with no hint of any boxes, anywhere. If I smell a box, I kind of am drawn close, to look at it, like we do when passing accidents on the highway.
I have a friend who I respect very much as one of the most committed-to-social-justice people I know. Now she’s working in this most bizarrely organized company, that tries to control people’s thoughts more than Mao could ever have dreamed of. I don’t know how she does it. I think I would go into brain freeze the instant I set foot in there.
Thoughts are wild ponies roaming the mountains and prairies. They are the kind of ponies that die, if you try to capture them and break them. They also die when they can no longer run fast enough to stay out of the wolve’s sharp teeth.
Sigh. Is this on or off topic? Are we allowed to explain why we shudder in horror at certain words?
another bite at the apple
coming down the pike (people also say pipe???)
And last but not least
without further ado
please welcome (and let’s give a big hand to) <special guest>
(and his lovely wife)
@Jeruba: lol, I imagine all of those being announced in the same tone by some guy with cheesy 80s hair and a red sequin bowtie.
“My friends.” – John McCain
people from Kentucky that call all pop or soda “Coke” that is the dumbest thing I have ever heard…
It’s not too different from those of us who call all facial tissue “Kleenex” or all photocopies “Xeroxes,” though.
Anyone who actually says “L-O-L” or “T-M-I” needs to be shot.
no no it is much different….
Adri, Adri, Adri, where are you from? (From a place that doesn’t end a sentence with a preposition, correct?) I meant to ask, where are you from, Yankee? “Y’all” is a valuable addition to the English language…it is the plural “you.” (Correctly used, “y’all” is never singular.) Getting rid of “y’all” would be like getting rid of “they.” :)
Killa Cali son!!!!
Yankee? I don’t know about you January but, y’all is lame.
im siding with adri on this one… not more y’all it’s about as bad as “ain’t” and I think you have to be missing a few teeth to say it…
ohh and who says Yankee anymore besides civil war vets… and I they’re all dead…
@madcapper: I’m mad as a hatter haha yeah when i think of y’all I picture some weird crazy country people or a short fat blonde lady with an accent from tennesse or Texas. I’d never heard Yankee before
I love y’all. It saves time.
I say yall but I’m from the south so it sounds right in my accent. I cringe when I hear someone say “you guys” or “yous guys” instead of yall.
I was born, raised, and live in the North. I did spend about 8 months in North Carolina in the mid-90’s, though, and the only lasting scars are a tendency to say “Y’all” and “Soda” (and a taste for cheese grits). I think I came out okay.
i absolutely HATE when people say ‘chill’ in a stupid context. haha. i say “let’s chill”, or “they play really chill music” (on occasion), but recently kids are using it in the most ridiculous ways. “i made some chill bracelets”. some girl posted that on a myspace bulletin and i must say i was thisclose to deleting her. chill bracelets? really? i consider ‘chill’ a word to use describing either a mood or hanging out. and not constantly. oh god. it really just drives me crazy.
Yo! Bodyhead! You gotta problem wid “youse?” Don’ bring your att ee tude and your “ya’lls” to South Philly. Dat’s a good way to buy yourself a pair o’ cement boots. Am I right, or am I right?
Youse guys!
daloon: Oh no you di’nt…. Oooooo daloon, “went there”, know what I’m sayin?
I’m throwing up a little in my mouth
Fagetabout! Maybe wes can go split a tuna on rye and talk over our differences over a six pack of pop that we get at a bodega.
On another note, I get made fun of for my accent and my speech patterns when I travel north.
@Daloon, “your att ee tude”? Is that right? I’m not from your region, but I’d have guessed that it would be “youse’s att ee tude.” Not so?
@Jeruba: Lady! You gotta problem wit’ dat? You might want to correct me, but as far’s I know, neider you nor Bodyhead are multiple personalities. I may be from Philly, but dat don’ mean I’m dumb. Check it out.
Hey, just asking for my own education. I know I have heard “youse’s” used as a possessive. Just don’t know exactly what region it came from. But maybe that’s the plural possessive?
Plural possessive? I think so.
Remember this is instinctive grammar, not learned in schools, so if you despense with your educated prejudices, you can see how it makes sense.
Of course. I wouldn’t insult any vernacular by assuming it has no logic. I have great respect for natural laws. Honest, I’m just asking to learn.
(“Educated prejudices”?)
“You’ve got / to be carefully / taaaaaaaaaaaught!” South Pacific
“If I told you, I’d have to kill you”.
I think I first heard that as an attempt at humor in 1996.
It wasn’t funny then and it still isn’t.
Gay, referring to homosexuals
Giving back
Seen…as in “I seen it”
Ate…as in “Have you ate?”
Trust me, there are people who say exactly those two things
Any improper use of the English language
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