General Question

Allie's avatar

Do you believe that two people can share a bond like this?

Asked by Allie (17551points) December 4th, 2008

We’ve all heard the stories about something happening to Person A and then when asked about it Person B says they could feel that something was wrong. That they sensed it. Do you believe that such a bond/connection exists? Or do you think that people convince themselves that they felt something after the fact?

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19 Answers

TheKitchenSink's avatar

No, and yes, respectively.

augustlan's avatar

Twins sometimes say it’s happened to them. I don’t know how it could be possible, but I find it fascinating nonetheless.

loser's avatar

Yes, I’ve had it happen.

kasmel's avatar

Hindsight, I think. Now, if they said something at the time (before confirming that something had actually happened), then perhaps.

ArmyWife0112's avatar

i have 2 ways to answer this… and uneducated and and educated one:

uneducated: some science has done some research saying that people have auras… kinda similar concept of a mood ring. this seems pretty relative to the question if anyone knows more, i’m not that person, lol

educated: in psychology, they teach u about relationships between people. my best friend doesn’t need to tell me when something is wrong, or is making her uncomfortable, even though other people may not have the slightest clue. i agree that if you concern yourself with another individual pass a certain extent, you can tell beforehand that something is wrong, or just different for that matter.

@kasmel, i also agree that some people see this as hindsight. if it someone tells me something is wrong that i don’t concern myself with quite as often, then i would reflect, convincing myself that i should’ve known based on their actions.

MacBean's avatar

When my grandmother died, I threw up. I wasn’t ill, I hadn’t eaten anything that might’ve made me sick… I just randomly threw up. And then a little while later the phone call came to say that she’d died right around the time I was praying to the porcelain god.

On several occasions I’ve gotten a really bad feeling and called my sister only to be told that she was just about to call me because her husband was starting to scare her and she wanted someone on the phone as a witness if he got violent.

And I often pick up my cell phone just as I get a text message from my best friend, but I think that’s just the law of averages rather than any kind of eerie connection.

Spargett's avatar

The mind will build it’s own rationalization and reality contrary to what exists unbiasedly, especially in traumatic circumstances.

So its simple and understandable that someone will look back afterwards and think to themselves, “I completely felt that”. This is also called a confirmation bias.

I can give you an example. If person A leaves on a motorcycle in the rain and person B is concerned they might get in an accident, and person A actually does get in an accident, that merely confirms that person B was subconsciously expecting something to happen, at which point their mind interprets as premonition as opposed to logic.

For someone with MacBean’s experiences, we’re just more apt to remember the correlating incidents than the thousands of instances that didn’t line up.

Another example of this phenomenon is when a person walks under a street lamp and notices that the light goes. This only has to happen a few times for someone to draw the correlation “Every time I walk under a street lamp, it goes off”. They fail to calculate the many, many times they walked under it without it going off. Its just that the times it “reacted” were more memorable, and therefor skewed the data.

shrubbery's avatar

One day my mum had this horrible feeling in her gut and she just felt like something awful had happend, so she rang her sister and found out that she had just had a car accident.
That same sister was bent over in pain when my mum was having a C-section.
I think it can happen.

Zaku's avatar

I don’t believe nor disbelieve it. However I am sure that if someone is NOT psychically connected, and they have a coincidental thought about someone who has something major happen to them, that they will tend to remember the coincidence, and it will stand out for them. In general it would be impossible to tell the difference between a coincidental psychic-like thought, and a psychic one. (i.e., what Spargett wrote.)

dynamicduo's avatar

Usually I don’t believe stuff like this. But my mom’s side of the family has had many of these type events happen, enough to hold back my suspicious nature.

Here’s a recent one. My mum had a dream about her brother, and in this dream her brother was at a casino and won a lot of money. She said it felt so vivid, unlike any other dream, it felt so real just like life does. They had a lunch date a few days later, when my mum showed up she immediately asked her brother if he had been in a casino recently. Her brother said yes, he had, but he hadn’t told anyone because his wife doesn’t agree with gambling too much. Mom then asked if he had won a lot of money, and sure enough he had won a jackpot. She went on to describe the casino to him in exact detail, down to what her brother was wearing. There was no way she could have known, her brother did not tell anyone, not even his kids who might have posted it on Facebook (which was my first skeptical thought).

There have been many other psychic-like occurrences on her side of the family and with other family members. Many of you know that I am a science and logic loving gal, but when it comes to these weird things I have to step back from it all and say, “there are things we don’t know and we can’t explain everything”. I remain confident that science will, far in the future, be able to clarify such events.

SuperMouse's avatar

I know for an absolute certainty that two people can have a bond like this. It has happened more than once between Gimme and me.

fireside's avatar

My personal theory is that we are all connected by a larger energy. When you have a particularly strong bond with someone you can, normally unconsciously, send a message along that energy field.

It’s like we’re all wading in the water and the people attuned to you are more likely to pick up on the ripples you send out. those who are deeper in the water are more able to sense and send these messages.

wundayatta's avatar

A year ago, I randomly got this awful feeling in my chest, like someone had died. It felt like a weight inside my heart pressing me into nothingness. I was supposed to go out caroling that night, but I stayed home, just lying on the couch, doing nothing.

The next day, I received an email. At about the time I experienced this pain, a former colleague (who now lived 3000 miles away and who usually held a party at this time of year) had received news that he had a form of cancer, and only had a week to live (he actually had even less time than that, but I was able to talk to his wife at his bedside the next day, and I overheard him saying, “If I have to go so soon, I might as well go now).

A month later, I was diagnosed as manic-depressive. That feeling had been the first warning about the full-blown depression to come. It was coincidence that it happened at the same time at my friend learned he was to die.

Or was it?

amandala's avatar

I’ve heard a lot about this happening, especially with twins. Whether or not there is scientific evidence backing it up, I believe that this can happen. I also believe in astrology, fate, and auras, so maybe I’m a little biased…

DrasticDreamer's avatar

I know it can happen from personal experience, multiple times. Trying to convince someone who has never experienced it is impossible, so I don’t bother.

One night I was having a random conversation with my sister when out of nowhere, I felt this extreme pressure, accompanied by… a weird head feeling. I don’t even know how to describe that part – there are literally no words. I cut her off in mid-sentence and said, “Christie! Something really bad is going to happen.” She tried telling me to ignore it because I was tired and so probably just feeling a little off. To which I replied, ”...No. I can’t explain it. But it’s something really bad. Someone we know is going to die.” The next morning my dad came home from work very early to tell us that our grandma had died the night I said what I did. Both my mom and sister whipped their heads toward me, wide-eyed and mouths dropped open. Before that feeling, I also had an extremely vivid dream about her and death was literally following her around. My grandpa, their dog (both died years ago) and some other dude I didn’t even recognize were all there, too.

I have had many, many strange things like that happen to me. I refuse to not tell anyone when I get a feeling like that. I haven’t been wrong a single time and if I didn’t say something, it would be pure idiocy. I would feel responsible if I could have stopped something bad from happening, but chose not to.

AlfredaPrufrock's avatar

I had a friend that lived in another state through high school and college. I would write or talk to her about once a month during high school (before cell phones and calling plans, and before e-mail). For some reason, my mom had some sort of mental attachment to “Mary.” She would call me and hound me about calling Mary. Every time my mom press the issue, something had just happened. Her father died the night before, I called her on the morning of her wedding without knowing she was getting married, I called two days after her husband committed suicide, I called as the movers were packing her stuff up to move her to the town I live in, I called her the day she was killed in a car accident. It was really weird. My mom never did that with another person.

evelyns_pet_zebra's avatar

As a skeptic, I find the concept unconvincing, for many of the reasons stated here. If it exists, well, considering it is an extraordinary phenomenon, I’d like extraordinary proof, not simple anecdotal evidence. I remain skeptical of the existence of it at all, but hey, that’s just me, other people are free to believe what they wish.

evegrimm's avatar

I have a strong connection to my mom, probably because for a long time it was ‘just us’.

Even though I live three hours away now, I sometimes get nervous/jittery/uncomfortable and feel like she’s going to call. Later, when she actually does call, she mentions that she ‘had thought about it’ and decided against it…

Also, we have similar thought patterns. Which could explain the previous—we have similar triggers to the same ideas, etc. Or not, you know. (I did spend 9+ months in her belly.)

ZoeysMom's avatar

I have a former acquaintance that for whatever reason I always know when life changing events are happening in his life.

I have no contact with this person but have random dreams about him and within the next few days someone will mention a did you hear what happened or did you hear the news comment about him.

We have no communication with each other at all, and haven’t seen each other in 6 -7 years, we live in different states and only have a handful of people in common in our lives. I’ve never understood it, we’ve never been close and only have shared a few very brief conversations with each other.

I truly have extremely intense images of him dreams . I met him 13 years ago, he isn’t from this area or even this country but I and have always felt this connection to him. To be honest I swear I’ve had dreams with him in them before we ever met.

I really don’t understand it

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