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tinyfaery's avatar

Help! My pick for secret Santa is a vegan...

Asked by tinyfaery (44265points) December 5th, 2008 from iPhone

The limit is $20. I’ve thought about a cookbook, but on Amazon they al seem to have 5 stars. If you are a vegan, or you are close with a vegan, can you recommend a good gift or cookbook for under $20? I don’t want to give her a candle or lotion, or something totally generic. I like her, and I’d like her to know that someone (Santa) put some thought into the gift. It doesn’t have to be exactly $20. I’d go over that by a bit.

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16 Answers

cdwccrn's avatar

What’s wrong with 5 stars? Isn’t that good?

Darwin's avatar

@cdwccrn: If they are all 5 stars, then how do you pick?

figbash's avatar

You could try making a donation to an animal shelter in their name, get them a Vegan wallet, or find a place to get them down-alternative goods – like a good throw. I’ve actually seen these inexpensively at Costco, and Pacific Coast Feather.

Also, this may also give you some ideas!

peedub's avatar


cooksalot's avatar

Good expensive dark chocolate that contains no added lactose or whey

andrew's avatar

Get the artful vegan. It’s by the millenium peeps.

The millenium cookbook is fantastic, I used it many times when dating a vegan for a while, but amazon lists it at $22.

Edit: Re-read your question. Get the millenium cookbook. Get one for yourself. Some of the best food I’ve ever cooked came from there.

Re-Edit: Seriously. Get the millenium cookbook. Just thinking about it makes me want to buy it for myself. Dark chocolate is also good, but definitely get that cookbook.

forestGeek's avatar

How it al Vegan or New Farm Cookbook are my personal favorites. Myself, and every vegan I know love these books!!

I also agree with figbash on the donation to shelters!

forestGeek's avatar

You could also search your area for vegan restaurants and get a gift certificate to a nice place.

AlfredaPrufrock's avatar

Is there a local health food store that you could get a gift certificate for?

lunabean's avatar

vegan with a vengeance by isa chandra is a good one :)

nomtastic's avatar

i second the chocolate idea.

Knotmyday's avatar

How about a fruit basket? Boo-yah.

maybe_KB's avatar

A $25.00 Vegitarian Restaurant Gift Card
(Look up a ***** star version of that in your county)

bean's avatar

I hope this answer isn’t too late…
but even if you don’t want to give her lotion stuff you should try Lush :D it’s an awsome shop full of organic soap, bath bombs, facial masks, cream, hair products, perfume all that… and there are stuff made with out any thing to do with animals and they don’t test on animals either :)
It’s an awesome shop they also have massage bars and stuff…
go to.. check it out!

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