General Question

shockvalue's avatar

If the world were being invaded, would you rather it be by Zombies, or Robots?

Asked by shockvalue (5800points) December 8th, 2008


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22 Answers

Hobbes's avatar

Depends on what sort of zombie. If it were fast zombies, then robots. If they were slow, then zombies.

elchoopanebre's avatar

I say robots because we could just fire off a bunch of e bombs.

Kiev749's avatar

total zombies. my zombie plan is to go to alaska! Zombies dont have any body heat so they would freeze like corpesicles!

augustlan's avatar

Robots. Zombies just freak me out more!

queenzboulevard's avatar

Zombies. Robots know more than I do, so they could predict every move I would make in my attempt to kill them.

Allie's avatar

ROBOTS!! Cause they’re really freaking cute.
Why do they have to be bad robots?
P.S. – Can I keep one?

johnny0313x's avatar

zombies would be amazing! I can pretend like im in an 80’s horror movie – or i guess not pretend ha, id have such a good time with it lol.. Although if it were fast zombies that would be kinda scary actually ha

TheKitchenSink's avatar

Robots, duh.

Zombies EAT YOU. ALIVE. And then you become one of them. Robots would just shoot me.

simone54's avatar

Robots made by Dell.

Because I know they’d crash all the time.

Fieryspoon's avatar

A robot invasion would be the crowning achievement of the science of mankind, and therefore I could be proud of our doom in some way.

Zombies would be the result of a catastrophic failure of the science of mankind and a huge source of shame.

EnzoX24's avatar

Its a tough call. Robots may have ranged weapons at their disposal, making it more difficult to escape.

On the other hand, unless they learn how to build themselves, Robots would be limited in number. Zombies would have the entire human race at their disposal to enlarge their ranks.

EmpressPixie's avatar

I think it depends on if I’m with the invasion or against it. I’m not going to be able to defeat the Robots. They’re just going to win. But my boyfriend is pro-robotic invasion. I’m against it still.

I have a better chance of winning against zombies, but they result in a messier, more painful death. So I’m pro-zombie invasion if I intend to “win” against the invaders. And I usually do intend to win.

Foolaholic's avatar

That all depends on if the robots are going to wipe us out or not. I would much rather be assimilated into a robot-cyborg society than become the living dead. Plus society would probably get jet-packs a lot sooner.

willbrawn's avatar

I saw Zombies, because then we can just sick Robots on them.

aprilsimnel's avatar

Robots. I don’t think tazing zombies would be as effective. Taze a robot and there you go – sorted!

steelmarket's avatar

Either way, Will Smith could take ‘em on!

delirium's avatar

Robots. Based entirely on smell.

Knotmyday's avatar

Robots: HPEMS. Like an e-bomb, only localized. Zap!
Zombies are gross.

Maverick's avatar

What, no aliens?!

shadling21's avatar

@Maverick- Yeeeeeeeeah if I could choose aliens, I would!

If I had to pick a non-sentient being to overthrow us, it’d have to be robots. At least we’d have some understanding of how to shut them down, since we built them. With zombies it’d just be a messy gore-fest. Ew!

tiffyandthewall's avatar

robots have already invaded haven’t they? hello, iphones

Jack79's avatar

robots. At least they don’t stink.

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