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KatawaGrey's avatar

What's the weirdest movie you've ever seen?

Asked by KatawaGrey (21493points) December 9th, 2008

Yesterday, I saw Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels for the first time and it was a weird (but good) movie. However, Southland Tales is probably the weirdest movie I’ve ever seen. What about the rest of the collective?

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62 Answers

dynamicduo's avatar

Man Bites Dog. It’s a Belgian (thus subtitled) documentary-style film of a serial killer… it was unique for sure. I highly recommend it despite its weirdness.

EmpressPixie's avatar

I think.. probably Momento. Either that or Lost Highway. Momento because of the set up. I mean, it works and is the only way to tell that story, but it’s strange. Lost Highway because… well, if you’ve seen it you know why.

tonedef's avatar

Sins of the Fleshapoids. I feel like it might have just been out of my league, though.

mrdh's avatar

Lars and the Real Girl – Loved it.
The Hunger – Crap

PupnTaco's avatar

Nude on the Moon by Doris Wishman from 1960. Has to be seen to be believed.

tonedef's avatar

@pup, INSTANTLY added to my queue. I cannot wait to see this movie.

aidje's avatar


flameboi's avatar

panic room – weird and dumb

bythebay's avatar

@Empress, did you mean Memento (with the tattoos?); because if so, I wholeheartedly agree. Odd movie. I also really disliked Babel; too scattered.

EmpressPixie's avatar

@bythebay: Ha! Yes. I’m glad someone can read through my typos.

bythebay's avatar

@Empress: I hesitated to even ask because I pray nobody points out all of my errors! :)

jessturtle23's avatar

Pink Flamingos.

KatawaGrey's avatar

@Empress and bythebay: Lurve for being brave and answering anyway!

coquilicot's avatar

cannibal holocaust: weirdest as in most offensive/gross/couldn’t understand why it existed. i don’t recommend it.
mulholland drive, just because i still don’t know what actually happened.
naked lunch—i still can’t tell which is stranger, the book or the movie.

peedub's avatar

Hmm, perhaps Holy Mountain.

Mtl_zack's avatar

Blue Velvet

miasmom's avatar

I don’t remember the name of the movie, maybe you can help, it was very freaky. This guy snuck into a girl’s house and painted himself so he looked like the wall and the only way you saw him was when he blinked his eyes. I have tried forever to erase that movie from my mind and I can’t. She killed him in the end, but it was horrible.

acebamboo77's avatar

The Tracey Fragments,
A film starring Ellen Page of Juno. Fantastic movie, but very very very, post modern.

rockstar's avatar

Ravenous its a cannabalistic movie that has this odd banjo music throughout the movie.

miasmom's avatar

So I think the name of the movie is When A Stranger Calls or When A Stranger Calls Back.

steveprutz's avatar

Has anyone seen Gummo?

I think horror and sci-fi films are disqualified from the question.

jessturtle23's avatar

Gummo is pretty sick.

KatawaGrey's avatar

@steve: nope, anything goes.Those of us in the sci-fi community know what’s weird and what’s not.

TheKitchenSink's avatar

Hellraiser 5. My sister and I were flipping through channels and we found this. The entire thing is an experience in WTF. And I thought Twin Peaks was weird.

Apparently the Hellraiser series used to be good, and they jumped the shark harder and harder with each new release. All I know is it was one seriously screwed up movie.

TaoSan's avatar

Ooooh! Memento, yes yes yes, I loved it tho, in a weird way that movie really works.

EmpressPixie's avatar

At least three or four of us have mentioned Lynch. (Director behind Blue Velvet, Lost Highway, Mulholland Dr.and Twin Peaks.)

chelseababyy's avatar

Mulholland Drive, seriously. But after reading about it. It’s not so confusing and weird anymore.

tonedef's avatar

@Empress: what’s weird about midgets dancing in the corner of a room while a huge orgy happens?

madcapper's avatar

Ummm Teeth… it’s about a girl with teeth in her vagina…. yeah

chelseababyy's avatar

May I add.. Lock Stock was amazing.

KatawaGrey's avatar

@chelsea: Yeah, it was. I loved it. It was just really weird.

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KatawaGrey's avatar

@sueanne: good lord, I didn’t think anybody would go there…

EmpressPixie's avatar

@EVERYONE: Do not seek information on the “movie” Sueanne is mentioning. Just don’t. Just… ewwwwww.

I think I manage to mentally suppress that it exists every time I hear about it.

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wilhel1812's avatar

Un Chien Andalou
watch it and it will be the weirdest movie you‘ve ever seen.

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syz's avatar

Liquid Sky. Aliens come to earth to feed on endorphins released during orgasm, killing people in the process.

lercio's avatar

Lock Stock was not that weird for me because I live in the UK and a lot of it was quite familiar, but if you liked it you should watch Snatch as well. I did not enjoy Revolver as much. If you like the British Gangster movies then see if you can find Sexy Beast.

I found Barton Fink pretty weird, especially the ending.

augustlan's avatar

Memento! Loved it…but not until a few days after I watched it. It really snuck in under my skin.

wilhel1812's avatar

@bythebay: My first movie isn’t gross. It’s just really veird. You should watch it. It’s made by the famous surrealist artist Salvador DalĂ­.

SuperMouse's avatar

Brazil and Pink Floyd’s The Wall.

rainsmoker's avatar

this one called ‘nowhere’ with a bunch of young stars and the weirdest script, specially the part where to young boys are waking up after, supposedly, having sex; one of them starts feeling weird and then shaking, eventually he explodes to reveal a giant cockroach that stands up from bed, takes a look around and jumps out the window. the other dude just stares at the window with his face covered in his young alien lover’s blood.
seriously wtf?

chelseababyy's avatar

@Katawa, I agree. It was pretty weird. And hard to follow at times. The second time watching is a lot better.

chelseababyy's avatar


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sndfreQ's avatar

[Fluther Moderator]: Let’s keep this thread rated “R” or better please.

overgrownbat's avatar

Troll 2. Except it was probably the worst movie I’ve ever seen, not the weirdest.

scamp's avatar

It’s got to be this one. it’s hard to believe they made any money on it!! or wasted so much making it

@wilhel1812 EWW!! I couldn’t get past the first minute of the one you posted. My eyes hurt now!! That is a Dali film????

acebamboo77's avatar

Scamp, where did u find a link for it?

scamp's avatar

YouTube is kind of my ” audio visual google” for silly and odd things.

wilhel1812's avatar

@scamp: the eye cutting is the only thing that’s gross. they used a pigs eye btw, but the rest is just funny and weird.

madcapper's avatar

Ohh and another sweet movie to watch is Dark Harvest…
About 30 minutes of gratuitous nudity and lame dialogue. Then about 45 minutes of crappy acting and scarecrows killing people. But if you only rent it to watch the actor out-takes during the credits you have done yourself a huge favor and I would suggest renting some depends as well because I nearly pissed myself laughing!

pathfinder's avatar

Noone ever ased me on but I have clear.The movie call Fucking Ammal and it is Sweden movie.It is about Two fiveteens girls witch one of them is lesbian and she follen in love with the another girl but it is hard to make a releasionship in.Any way it is ending as booth of them walking in school held by hands.It has been taped in Sweden city Ammal.

MacBean's avatar

The original Wicker Man. What the hell?

madcapper's avatar

Seriously go and rent Dark Harvest now!!! FUCKING NOW!!

rockstar's avatar

Got another one, Batoru Rowaiaru (Battle Royale) Anybody seen it? I actually haven’t seen it but a couple friends of mine have told me about it. Its a Japanese movie about some teens who get dropped off an island each with a bag of random weapons. They all have to fight to the death or they all die by a collar around their necks exploding. Crazy

dynamicduo's avatar

Yes, Battle Royale! It has a sequel which I have yet to see. That’s a great movie, very reminiscent of Lord of the Flies, bloody as nothing else but well worth the watch. In fact I think I’ll watch it again soon. You need to watch it a few times or to read the Wikipedia article afterwards, there are a lot of characters and I found it hard to keep track of everyone when I watched the movie for the first time

madcapper's avatar

I have seen Battle Royale too! Little kids killing each other on an island! Nuts! Pretty sweet though…

scamp's avatar

@wilhel1812 maybe I will be brave and give it another try. Thanks for letting me know. I am a big fan of Dali’s paintings, btw.

dabbler's avatar

@aidje Eraserhead, that is so peculiar. Barton Fink is not far behind on strange.

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