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skfinkel's avatar

It's December, 2008. Do you know where your President is?

Asked by skfinkel (13542points) December 10th, 2008

While the country’s and world’s economies are reeling, I see no President Bush—lame duck or not—in sight. Meanwhile, Obama is in the news, taking up the mantle almost daily. Has there ever been a lamer duck?

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16 Answers

tonedef's avatar

Hey! Bush is doing extremely difficult work trying to reconcile creationism with reality. It seems to be an uphill battle.

figbash's avatar

Oh, trust me, ol’ GW is up to no-goodery.

Rachel Maddow has been doing a daily bit called the “Lame Duck Watch” where she busts Bush on all the various things he’s been doing lately. This involves regulation he’s trying to push through, and a speech tour where he’s trying to rewrite his legacy, etc. – exactly the kind of thing you’d expect. I don’t see a lot of it covered outside of the NYT or MSNBC but here’s an example, and there are more clips on YouTube.

rossi_bear's avatar

don’t know about right now, but for Christmas he is going to be in Kennebunk, Maine to be with his mom and dad and family that is where the Bush’s live, on Walker point.

tonedef's avatar

Oh, also, he’s giving janitors the ability to block people from having abortions. Linky linky

Snoopy's avatar

This is the same way w/ every changing of the guard…

figbash's avatar

@snoopy: That’s true to some extent, but other lame ducks at least try to continue to lead – something Bush hasn’t done during this lame duck term.

dynamicduo's avatar

Our Prime Minister here in Canada chickened out of letting the opposition have a chance to rule, and asked the Governor General to prorogue Parliament until January 26th. Which she did. So my best guess is that the leader of my country, as with all other cabinet members, are probably at their offices tending to trivial matters, as they sure aren’t in the House of Commons now.

aidje's avatar

The news covers what people want to hear. People want to hear about Obama. Hence, the news isn’t saying much about Bush. When they do, it’s related to bigger topics like the automaker bailout. When they talk about Obama, Obama is the focus.

Of course, one could always look up Bush-specific news if one does in fact want to hear about what he’s doing:

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googlybear's avatar

He’s getting ready for his impending war crimes trial?

Lightlyseared's avatar

I don’t have a president. I have a Prime Minister who is currently in the House of Commons trying to explain what he meant, exactly, when he said he had saved the world.

I also have a Queen but I have no idea where she is today or what she is doing but I am sure whatever it is, she is doing it with style and decorum.

Jeruba's avatar

Probably watching his countdown-to-January-20th timer, as I am. I bought mine in July (with Obama’s picture on it). I bet he bought his at least a year ago.

Still, we would do well to remember that one day Barack will also be a lame duck president. Where will we be then, and where will we be going?

Knotmyday's avatar

Last I saw, he was at Camp David, sending a holiday message to the troops.
Who are still in Iraq.

googlybear's avatar

Working on his “ducking” exercises….damn that guy’s quick…

Jeruba's avatar

Lotta practice.

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