General Question

Nimis's avatar

Would you feel strange showering with your pet?

Asked by Nimis (13260points) December 11th, 2008

This question made me think of my friend’s cat.

I think it was the only cat I’ve ever met/known that didn’t hate water.
In fact, not only was it not afraid of water—it actually really liked it.

So much so that whenever it heard anyone turn on the shower
it would run into the bathroom—and would join them in the shower!!

I swear it must have been a peeping tom in another life or something.

My friend thought this habit was cute.
I thought it was, at the very least, a bit disconcerting.

What do you think?

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28 Answers

El_Cadejo's avatar

It would be more of a bath in my case….

augustlan's avatar

Was it a Bengal (sp?) cat? I’ve heard they love water and showering with their owners.

Converse to my answer to the other question, I leave the door open when I’m showering and alone. We don’t have an exhaust fan, so it gets very steamy in there if I don’t. My cats come in and check it out, but they don’t climb in with me – thank goodness. I wouldn’t want all that cat hair sticking to my wet body!

shrubbery's avatar

I wouldn’t mind at all if my cats took a shower with me. I’d love it if they loved water, it would make it so much easier to wash them. What a time saver if we could all do it at the same time :P

Nimis's avatar

Ubs: How would you feel if your cat or dog was hanging out with you during your bath?

Aug: Whoa…really? Neat factoid. I think her cat looked like an orange tabby.

Shrub: True. They’re such dramatic creatures.
Especially when you’re trying to bathe them. Ha.

shrubbery's avatar

Too true. I have many battle scars from bath time with my cats :P

AstroChuck's avatar

Yes, but strange in an erotic way.

peedub's avatar

I bet that cat gets hyphy with the Water Willy.

I say why not, the more the merrier.

augustlan's avatar

Bengal cats can have different markings/colors…but they are still pretty distinctive looking. I would love to have one of these, and a Scottish Fold in the future!

Nimis's avatar

I love that AC’s answer was followed by Peedub’s.

Aug: Don’t remember her cat having those types of markings.
But they look really cool—kind of like a miniature wild cat.

El_Cadejo's avatar

@Nimis i honestly dont like cats or dogs so id prefer neither join me in the shower :P

Nimis's avatar

What about your fish joining you in the tub?!
I guess it’s not exactly the same, but I had to ask.

El_Cadejo's avatar

DUDE THATD BE SWEET.I mean, who wouldnt want to hang out with Mr. Puffer?

augustlan's avatar

I was picturing Piranahs!

Nimis's avatar

Hahaha…that picture cracks me up.
He’s fucking smiling, dude.

El_Cadejo's avatar

happiest fish ever.

augustlan's avatar

At least the cutest fish ever, for sure!

Nimis's avatar

Do they make happy meds for fish?
Methinks he looks a little too happy.

But definitely very cute indeed.

dlm812's avatar

My dog often also, like your friend’s cat, joins me in the shower – in fact he follows me everywhere I go in the house and is always in any room I am in. He really loves water and actually won’t let me wash him unless I am standing in the tub with him. I know that others may find this odd (my fiancee included – although I think he is just overall jealous of my dog) but, really, our pets see worse.

tonedef's avatar

I wish my cat would do this. I don’t think it’s creepy. In my experience, cats are MUCH less likely to (a) look at your junk, and (b) watch you while you’re knocking boots.

Dogs are guilty of both of these things, and that makes me feel strange.

EmpressPixie's avatar

The cat already watches me pee, get dressed, get undressed, and make out with his owner. I’m not sure how the shower would be much different. I think I’d be fine with it.

gooch's avatar

I have no problem with it. As a matter of fact the shower is the only way he gets a bath.

AstroChuck's avatar

I have three cats so I think a shower is a better option than a bathtub. Blood is so much easier to clean up in the shower.

syz's avatar

The bathroom and the bath are not off limits, but we’re having sex, the animals are locked out of the room.

Knotmyday's avatar

at least some of them are. muuuaaahaha

I couldn’t do it- not because it’s creepy or anything, but washing and drying me is time-consuming enough of a morning. Plus, there’s always the after-bath shakeoff to consider.

Darwin's avatar

We had a cat who used to do that. We were used to it but it did seem to disconcert our house guests especially as he could also open doors (but never closed them). They would be showering away when all of a sudden Butch would throw back the shower curtain and hop in.

We think he learned during his time as a stray that the best way to get clean drinking water was by licking it off surfaces during and after rain storms. He seems most interested in licking water off the shower walls.

Our other cats, to a feline, sit just outside the shower or crouch on the edge of the tub, and watch our every move very carefully as if trying to figure out if we have gone crazy and will suddenly do other weird things.

OTOH I have a friend who routinely showers with her Umbrella Cockatoo. McCloud loves the shower and raises his wings, flares his crest, opens his beak as wide as it can go and yodels the entire time. If he hears the shower start up he will come running (he can’t fly due to abuse from an earlier owner).

elijah's avatar

My dog showers with me almost every day. She is hairless and needs baths more often than most dogs. My beagle likes to jump in after I’m out, not with the shower on. He licks the water on the bottom and then jumps out leaving little pawprints on the floor. My cat will lay in there when it’s dry, I think because the tub is cooler in hot weather.

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