General Question

victord66's avatar

Dual boot, WinXp, Windows 7?

Asked by victord66 (201points) December 13th, 2008

Is there a way I can install Windows 7 on my Xp machine and dual boot between the two os ?

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6 Answers

eambos's avatar

Partition your drive and install on re new partition. Make sure your new partition is at least 15gb and you should be fine.

victord66's avatar

Thanks, that’s the easy part. How do I boot between the two systems? Do I need a third party boot app or does winxp have one?

aanuszek1's avatar

It should say “Boot Windows 7” or “Boot Older version of Windows”

There are apps that make this screen prettier though.

IchtheosaurusRex's avatar

Windows 7 is not even available in Beta yet. However, when it does come out, you will be able to dual boot with XP. Your best bet is to use Parition Magic or Partition Commander to set up your disk for you. You can set up dual boot without, but it’s tricky.

eambos's avatar

It is in beta (I am typing this within it) and It works fine.

When I dual booted it with Vista I used a program called Easy BSD to set up the dual boot. This doesn’t work with xp, But you should probably be given an option.

joeysefika's avatar

A great program that can control partitions and multiple OS’s is Acronis Disk Director. It’s not free but i’m sure you could find it on your favourite torrent site.

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