General Question

chyna's avatar

How do I review the websites someone else has been to on my computer, but not under my name?

Asked by chyna (51731points) December 13th, 2008

I suspect an ex was looking up things on my computer that he shouldn’t have been, and need to know how to find this out. Keep in mind, I am not very computer savvy.

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2 Answers

AlfredaPrufrock's avatar

If you’re on a PC, you an look in the temp files, if you aren’t in the habit of deleting them. Depending on how your settings are, your computer will save a certain number of day’s web history.

cardsinner's avatar

The easiest way to check is to look in your browser’s history, which should be available up on the very top of your browser there. The history can be cleared though, but there are still others ways to find out what’s been going on. I don’t know if we can private message eachother on this site, but if so, feel free to contact me if you need some help digging a little deeper into your computer for any hidden secrets. My husband’s a wizard on the computer.

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