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charliecompany34's avatar

Are you a lame "duck?"?

Asked by charliecompany34 (7816points) December 15th, 2008

how much attention do you pay to your surroundings? can you “duck” without a moment’s notice?

do you always expect the unexpected and prepare for whatever? even a shoe throwing in an environment that’s supposed to be secure? who knew?

have to give it to “W.” great instinctful reaction ducking shoe projectiles in a secured area.

are you lame at being prepared or are you a strong “duck” after all, you vigilante, you.

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24 Answers

KatawaGrey's avatar

I have terrible reflexes and a slow reaction time. The shoe would have hit me. I guess that means I’m a lame duck.

charliecompany34's avatar

whether i’m in a grocery store, at a picnic or driving down my own street—even taking out the garbage—i am thinking about exits and things that could possibly happen.

El_Cadejo's avatar

@charliecompany34 me too. Im constantly taking in my surrounding and thinking up little what ifs.

charliecompany34's avatar

@uberbatman: when i run on dark mornings, i am always paying attention to nearby parked cars i can jump on just in case the stray big dog gets loose.

KatawaGrey's avatar

After I go through a zombie movie/book phase, I always assess the buildings I go into. However, if zombies were to throw shoes as their major form of attack, I’d still be doomed.

Trustinglife's avatar

Wow, great pun. Our lame duck is a great ducker.

As for me, I have the reflexes of a cat. A real mother ducker.

cookieman's avatar

I have the reflexes of a walrus on muscle relaxants.

jessturtle23's avatar

I would have grabbed that shoe like a ninja and shoved it right up that guys ass.

augustlan's avatar

I probably would have caught the shoes. But if something’s incoming from the side…forget about it. I have really crappy perephial (sp?) vision.

Trustinglife's avatar

What a fun question!

augustlan's avatar

Note to self: Never get on jessturtle’s bad side.

Judi's avatar

I suck at the soccer ball game on the wii, so I guess I’m a lame duck.

jessturtle23's avatar

Yeah, I am fairly violent. I wouldn’t take someone throwing a shoe at me. Mardi Gras beads and moonpies are all I will take unless the shoes are nice and my size and something I had been looking for for a while but are hard to get.

hypeserver's avatar

You may want to try to clear up your question. The actual phrase “lame duck” refers to a politician losing almost all power in their position. For the United States this happened to our 17th President. The description for your question states something different. The phrase lame duck refers to power more than it refers to how prepared or unprepared a person is.

jessturtle23's avatar

I think you are reading a bit too much into this as well as not watching the news. Also, I assure you that it wasn’t just the 17th president that was a “lame duck”. It’s good that you are paying attention in history, though.

hypeserver's avatar

jessturtle23 I assure you that I am watching the news and I do know that our 17th President was not the only “lame duck” in our history. I was not trying to over-read the question, but was just trying to clear it up a bit.

Trustinglife's avatar

Yup. I’m pretty sure the question refers to this incident.

hypeserver's avatar

I have seen the video trustinglife, although I disagree with how the question should be worded I just wanted my voice to be heard. You’ve stated your opinion and I have stated mine. There’s no need push the issue any further.

jessturtle23's avatar

I just thought you didn’t get the joke. I think the question was fine and I answered it. You never answered it you just tried to point out flaws.

hypeserver's avatar

Alright then, to answer the question, I try to prepare my best for what’s to come by taking as many precautions as I see possible. Although I take many precautions I try not to be paranoid about taking such precautions. Etc) Feeling like I’m constantly being watched.

Mizuki's avatar

Bush does show is Cheerleading instincts and moves on the shoe dodge for sure.

scamp's avatar

Hmm, there may be another shoe bomber in training

To answer the question…. My reflexes are on the slow side of average in an everday normal setting, and a little better in an evironment where I am not at ease.

Trustinglife's avatar

Hilarious! I love how the filmer says, “I’m not going to put this on YouTube if you talk about taking dumps.” I guess she got over herself!

scamp's avatar

I know! It’s so funny that she didn’t edit that part out!!

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