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miasmom's avatar

What words do you use in place of the correct word?

Asked by miasmom (3500points) December 16th, 2008 from iPhone

For example, we call the hiccups pickles instead. And your arms are long reachers. Does anyone else do this?

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22 Answers

dalepetrie's avatar

Does “wedding tackle” count?

scamp's avatar

For some reason I often say marshmallow when I mean to say mushroom!!

seekingwolf's avatar

I’ve seen some other people do this, but they all have young children. It seems to be a trend with parents, but it’s cool nonetheless.

I like to call the internet “interwebs” in real life (yeah I’m a little odd) but otherwise, I tend to use the actual word. :)

Les's avatar

Ever since the horrible show, I always say “Elimidate” when I talk about getting rid of something.

That show was hilarious.

augustlan's avatar

Farts are putzers. (When my kids were young.)

jessturtle23's avatar

I call my vagina my cookie or my china. The word vagina reminds me of the Vagina Monologues.

EmpressPixie's avatar

Like seekingwolf, the Internet is usually the “interwebs” or “intarwebs”. In part for nerdliness, in part because my wireless is named “intarwebs”. Which has nothing to do with nerdliness.

Otherwise, “chuff” and “pluff” can be used to replace anything. Context will explain what was really meant.

dalepetrie's avatar

A friend of ours has a son who is now about 14, but I think when he was maybe 6, he was a little cold and said, “it’s frizzly in here.” So now whenever it’s freezing/chilly in the house, we say it’s “frizzly”.

susanc's avatar

As cold as the frizzer!

susanc's avatar

When my brother and his friends were going to Yale with George W Bush (my bro says
he was “kind of sweet” at the time), they used to drink quite a bit, and when they couldn’t think of a word they would call the thing a

susanc's avatar

My friend who grew up in Mexico speaks better English than I do, but reports indicate that she used to resort to saying “that thing” quite a bit.

“Let’s go get on that thing and go see that thing that has the stuff in it.”

augustlan's avatar

@Dalepetrie: After seeing Christmas Vacation, we used to say it was a “bit nipply” when it was cold.

I am a fan of ‘thing-a-ma-bob’ when I can’t think of the right word.

dalepetrie's avatar

I guess I do use nipply all the time too, just forgot that’s where it came from.

Nimis's avatar

Burrito instead of Brrrrrrrrr.
It’s funny that so many of these terms are about the cold.

buster's avatar

Michael Jackson got me calling wine “Jesus Juice.”

seekingwolf's avatar

Oh, I forgot….

in my family, when someone (usually a child) does something naughty, my mother would always say “oh you’re such a dickens!” or “stop being a dickens!”

I distinctly remember the time I powdered the WHOLE kitchen with flour and she walked in and I froze and she said “ooooo is someone being a dickens?”

I have no idea what that means >< She said it’s something her mom used so yeah I don’t know.

spendy's avatar

We call feet “puppies”, not sure where that came from but it stuck. Also, the car is the “wheel-mobile” and when it’s time for a nap we say “sleepy-bye” instead…like, “do you need a sleepy-bye?” Somehow my mother-in-law also left us with “the Wally” instead of WalMart.

Knotmyday's avatar

“Aw, Monkey,” instead of Freddie Uncle Charlie Katie “Flibbetty gibbetty” or “Hibbity dibbity” when at a loss for words. I refer to myself and friends as “Honky MoFo(s)” from time to time >^D

augustlan's avatar

Oh, we call hands and feet ‘hammies’ and ‘piggies’, respectively.

Knotmyday's avatar

that can’t be kosher…

augustlan's avatar

And my kids are half Jewish!

scamp's avatar

I know a guy in Florida who says he is ‘dehyphenated” when he is thirsty!!

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