Meta Question

miasmom's avatar

How did you come across fluther?

Asked by miasmom (3500points) December 16th, 2008 from iPhone

Did someone tell you about it or did you find it another way?

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20 Answers

dynamicduo's avatar

I was/am a member at another community (not Askville :D). One day someone asked what other question asking communities there were, and Fluther came up. I came, I saw, and I was conquered.

hypeserver's avatar

I came across Fluther while stumbling using the “stumble upon” application for the Firefox and Flock web browsers.

EmpressPixie's avatar

I was on another question and answer site, a bunch of people got suspended for no real reason, so the came here until the punishment was up. I stayed here. (A few others stayed as well.)

tyrantxseries's avatar

random search

syz's avatar

It was mentioned in an article in

queenzboulevard's avatar

I saw a screen shot on the Fluid website of a dock with a bunch of fluid apps and I was like what the eff is that jellyfish icon and below the screen shot it said Fluther so I came here and was in awe!

Eureka's avatar

I was suspended from another site, and the kind members (Marissa) and mods here welcomed me and gave me a place to sit down! I don’t answers a lot of questions – I feel kinda old here, but I lurk around a lot!

arnbev959's avatar

Mirza told me about it at a philosophy symposium.

buster's avatar

Another user that is a friend in real life told me about it. I checked it out and have been using fluther since then.

augustlan's avatar

I saw a link to an article about Fluther (I think it was on ) the article, popped over to the site, and now I practically live here.

augustlan's avatar

@buster: Just out of curiosity, does your friend still use Fluther? Does s/he love it as much as you do?

answerjill's avatar

I read about it in the Brown Alumni Magazine.

buster's avatar

@ Augustian: My friend is the user Bulbatron 9. He used to be on here a lot. He recently had a baby daughter and has bought a home that he has been working on. He hasn’t been on much since then.

SuperMouse's avatar

My favorite sister Gimmedat turned me on to it.

90s_kid's avatar

I was doing research on Google for my science fair, and then I started playing with Google search engine because I was bored and came to this website. I was searching for “what is your favorite Mario character?” and I found this one. The first sign of Fluther for me. Then, I said “i want to ask that question!” (I had no idea about the details of fluther) so then I made an account and got let in on what it was. There is my story. Now i am an avid Fluther customer.

Trustinglife's avatar

It was the first day of a spring Ultimate frisbee league. I asked my new teammate what he did for work. He said he co-founded this internet start-up where you could ask any question you wanted and get good answers. His name is Ben.

seekingwolf's avatar

I found out about fluther through Twitter!
some of my friends were following the Twitter homepage of Fluther so I checked it out, and it seemed cool. :)

Trustinglife's avatar

Who are your friends here, seekingwolf?

seekingwolf's avatar

I don’t know what their accounts are here yet.
They could have just been following for the questions, I have no idea!
I’ll ask :D

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