My brother gave me great insight into this issue. I was telling him about a problem I was having at work, I ihought I had a good relationship with the people I supervised but one day my boss asked me what was going on with ‘Mary’. Evidently she was complaining about me, she couldn;t be specific about anything I was doing wrong but I wasn’t accessible or easy to talk to.
This stunned me. As I explained to my brother ‘Mary’ shared a very dramatic personal life and I always tried to give her suggestions about dealing with her problems. This was partly because I am very good at problem solving and partly because it allowed me to get on with my work and keep her on task. But I was always polite and I thought sympathetic.
My brother came up with the answer quickly and clearly. He said ‘Mary’ didn’t talk about her problems because she wanted help solving them, she probably wanted someone to listen and validate her ie to vent.
There are basically two kinds of people, the active problem solvers who look within themselves for answers or are more proactive. They are constantly processing challenges internally and setting up Plans A, B, and C without a lot of consultation. A lot of men fall into this category but also some women do.
The other group is considered the more female response. They work things out by bouncing things off other people. They deal with things by validating they understand various components and get a range of input. They clarify by saying things out loud.They want to work out their own issues but they use feedback to make sure they aren’t overlooking anything.
The problem arises when we are dealing with the opposite personality types.
She: He never shares with me about his issues and he doesn’t really listen to mine, so he must not love me…People who love you want to share things so they can help each other….Look at him, I’m telling him something important to me and he won’t even put down the remote, TV is more important than I am. click
He:She has a problem so I love her and want to solve her problem for her…..Again with the issue? I already told her what to do, why doesn’t she just shut up and do it….Yak, yak, yak evidently she doesn’t respect me enough to take my advice, where’s the remote? click