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miasmom's avatar

What is the oldest question you are still following?

Asked by miasmom (3500points) December 17th, 2008 from iPhone

How old is it and are you keeping it for a reason? Just curious.

Mine is 1 month old and it is on weight loss and I am keeping it because I like some of the points that were made.

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7 Answers

scamp's avatar

I don’t know because there are so many!! Here are my stats:

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scamp (8208)

Nimis's avatar

The oldest question I’m following is the one about salt and pepper. Of course.

And assuming Activity for You is organized chronologically…
the one I’ve been following the longest is the first question I asked. Logically.

But the one I’ve been following the longest (that I didn’t ask myself)
is this one about judging people by the music they listen to.
Not sure why I hung onto that one. A lot of varied responses?

AstroChuck's avatar

Same with me.

scamp's avatar

hmm, I guess that’s my oldest one too!

El_Cadejo's avatar

i had to go back 93 pages to find it.
Excluding the first question i asked, the oldest one im following is How do software engineers produce randomness? from Dec 20th 2007. That question also got me hooked on fluther.

robmandu's avatar

< < follows uberbatman‘s nifty example question now.

Mine is: Best anti-chafe for runners? – Oct 2nd, 2007.

I knew the answer, provided it, and have been hooked since.

augustlan's avatar

I have no idea…unless it’s been definitively answered, I pretty much never ‘stop following’ a question.

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