Did you know that one of us Flutherites is getting married tomorrow?
Asked by
robmandu (
December 19th, 2008
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34 Answers
No. But, I’m always the last to know everything, anyway. And I’m fairly new to fluther, too.
Dude! Congratulations! Be sure to keep us updated before, during and after the ceremony (hey, if judochop can do it through an appendectomy…)
Heh… whoops. Sorry, not me. But it is a “dude”.
Uberbatman? RichardHenry? JohnPowell? JackAdams?
Kevbo, sferic? sndfreQ? Trustinglife? I give up, who is it? Astro Chuck are you taking a second wife?
C’mon! You have to tell us.
I lurve weddings
Congrats, @willbrawn!
Go, @will !
You were smart not to ask us premarital counseling questions. No sense messing up a good thing ;-)
Wedding is in 3 1/2 hours. So ready.
Go willbrawn! Woop! (Also no, not me, I’m only 18)
Congrats willbrawn. I heard something once…....“why buy the cow if you are getting the milk for free” What the heck does that mean? Not too smart in Seattle with 8” of snow
Congratulations willbrawn.
I hope you are marrying your best friend. Best of luck for a long and passionate marriage.
Best wishes for a long and happy life together!
Congrats, Willbrawn!
If you have an iPhone, you could put it on a spare chair (open to Fluther.com) and we could all pretend we were there.
Don’t do it, Willbrawn!
Congrats on your soon-to-be nuptials.
Whoa! Congratulations to Mr and Mrs. Will Brawn!!! Have fun and stay warm (depending on where you are). And we would love to see a picture of bride and groom later =)
Good luck, congrats and best wishes!! Hope you have a blast on your big day – and ever after!
Congratulations! You are both giving and receiving the best Christmas gifts you will ever give or receive…Starting a happy marriage for the rest of your lives!
Blessings to the newly married flutherer.
Any photos yet?
wedding, not honeymoon
@ willbrawn: CONGRATS! How fun!
I promise I have no intention of taking the spotlight from willbrawn, but I thought this thread would be an appropriate way to let everyone know that I, too, am getting married soon… January 3rd!
@chutterhanban, How exciting – congrats!
love is in the air…at Fluther
Anyone want to propose?
not to me, of course
Nope, I’m brand spankin’ new here.
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