Meta Question

Jeruba's avatar

What is the significance of the order of names in your fluther?

Asked by Jeruba (56208points) December 19th, 2008

I’m curious to know if flutherers are tagged with some sort of permanent collating sequence number for sorting purposes. Order of joining, perhaps? I haven’t done an extensive comparison, but I have the impression that names in your fluther fall into a predetermined order that is obviously neither alphabetical nor the sequence in which you added them. Just wondering what the logic is.

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6 Answers

jrpowell's avatar

Order of joining.

dynamicduo's avatar

Ah, one mystery down. Now let’s solve who stole Mrs. Baker’s apple pie cooling on the windowsill!

AstroChuck's avatar

Fluther seniority.

miasmom's avatar

nice picture astro

AstroChuck's avatar

aw, shucks.

augustlan's avatar

I wondered about this myself. Glad you thought to ask about it!

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