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asmonet's avatar

Do you have any odd rituals you perform with inanimate objects?

Asked by asmonet (21465points) December 20th, 2008

This occurred to me thanks to this question. As I stated there, I named my computer Gurgles, occasionally Mr. Gurgles if he’s being demanding. Anyway, I mentioned that I totally pat Gurgles when I put him to sleep at night. Like tucking him in. I’ve been doing this for years on all different computers. I have no idea why I started. I just do. I just sorta pat him twice on the case. Like a puppy or something. It’s just plain habit for me at this point.

Does anyone else have a weird habit like this? Am I crazy and alone?

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18 Answers

queenzboulevard's avatar

I have a Dwight Shrute bobble head whose head I bobble on occasion…just to make him feel like he has purpose in this world…..

@asm Yeah Dwight’s the bomb!

I have never answered a response from above, it just doesn’t feel right. It’s as if I know what you’re going to say and I respond to that…

asmonet's avatar

@queenz: I have that bobble head!!

I know what you mean. It’s always weird. And I feel like I’m slapping the natural order of Fluther in the face.

andrew's avatar

I just talk to myself. The same phrase, too. “So, what have we here is..”

asmonet's avatar

Is there missing ‘have’ in that sentence, Andrew?

andrew's avatar

Not anymore. Bedtime!

asmonet's avatar


Me too, Goodnight Fluther!

Trustinglife's avatar

I have a lovely ritual. I still own the car I learned to drive on, passed down from my grandfather to my father to me. It is a ‘90 Camry, with 222,000 miles on it. For many years, each time my car passes another 100 miles, I stroke the dashboard, as if I’m patting the neck of a horse.

Every time I do it, no matter what mood I was in, I am instantly transported into full-body gratitude. I really am so grateful to have such a reliable vehicle that takes me wherever I want to go. Every 100 miles, I remind myself of how lucky I am.

susanc's avatar

Oh sure; I kiss the sheets when they come out of the dryer and stuff like that. I say
“Good morning!” to the espresso machine (Krups, 1981) and I greet the landscape with
deep gratitude when I can step out of the infernal car onto the sweet earth.
Like that kind of thing?
Oh yes, and I say “Where the hell ARE you?” to the car keys.
And, you know, I make art, so when I haul an older piece out of the archive, I talk to it
a good amount. And I stroke its little face.

judochop's avatar

I have a ritual that I do with some old chicken bones a sock monkey and a jar of vasoline. It’s a liittle tricky to get into here but I love that sock monkey.

Trustinglife's avatar

Oh, and I make the bed – in the same way – every single day. That’s a ritual with an inanimate object. You think the bed cares whether it’s made?

krose1223's avatar

I flip the phone off when I am at work

SuperMouse's avatar

@andrew ” failure to communicate.” I couldn’t resist.”

My laptop has a name (Happy), and I do talk to it, mostly when it is booting up, you know giving it encouragement. I do the same with my car when I am starting it in the freezing cold.

SoapChef's avatar

Good Lord judochop, no wonder you ended up in the hospital! Glad everything went well.

Trustinglife's avatar

One more thing: I love my ritual with my car so much (see above), I want to invite you to try it. When you see your car has passed another 100 miles, do something physical that reminds you to be grateful.

asmonet's avatar

@trusting: I do that whenever it rolls over to a significant number like, 22,222, of 100,001. :D

Knotmyday's avatar

I tune every guitar I pick up, whether I play it or not. When guitars are tuned, things are right with the world.

asmonet's avatar

@knot: Please come over to my house. Please.

Knotmyday's avatar

Why am I imagining a house-full of untuned waif-like stringed instruments? The horror…

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