Zina, since you were so upset, and chose to vent publicly here rather than through a private comment, I will respond in the same manner.
I have reviewed my post myself, and with other frequent posters here. We have only found one thing deserving an apology. I digressed considerably from your original topic, thus my response did not provide what you were looking for. However, this website is neither designed nor intended to be short answer information, if posters simply wanted a link to a website, they could do a google search itself. So I do apologize that late at night, I did ramble beyond the scope of your topic into another topic that came to mind reading your response. I do find the first paragraph of my response to be neither offensive and a helpful suggestion in direct response to your question. Perhaps I was misled by your unclear use of the word “alternative” and took it to mean something else.
I used the word “whatever” for lack of a specific term, since your own post lacked specificity in the information it was seeking. It was not intended to be callous, I treat marriage very seriously. In addition, my family could tell you I despise the use of “whatever” in the flippant manner to which you refer. My response, even the less relevant portions, was entirely serious.
Nothing in my post is either outrageous or insulting. I have no idea why you would find it so. I made no personal judgments. I made no assumptions about you. I could have, as a hypothetical example, made value judgments regarding your suggestion regarding the role of marriage or nonmarriage as a political statement, but declined to do so.
I suppose I was hoping somebody could point me to some research that would be helpful in comparative analysis of the relative success regarding child development in alternative family structures as opposed to the traditional nuclear family, but instead you chose to be offended. My entire post was carefully worded to avoid offense. Yet, rather than answering my sincere question, you chose to be offended. I can’t help but think that says more about you than me, but you will probably choose to be offended by that statement as well.
Really, if we are going to seriously consider the wide spectrum of committed relationships in our society, we need to be able to do it without taking offense. I cannot apoloize if you were insulted. That is your feeling and your choice. I find nothing in my post intended to offend. If you were simply seeking information regarding the “history of the wedding ring,” then I suggest you put that in your post.
You ask: Would “Where can an engaged couple of male and female democrats intending to have a nuclear family of their own children learn about the history of wedding ceremonies and creative contemporary wedding ideas?” suited your fancy?
YES. If you don’t want surprises about what answers you receive, then perhaps you should tailor your question more carefully. I would have provided an entirely different answer to that question.
You say: “Try to keep this site a forum where people can be comfortable to ask questions – especially a straitforward, simple one seeking resources for information.”
My initial, emotional response would be to say I don’t need any lectures from you regarding my exercise of free speech, but then I realize I have criticized Poser for advocating that minors “bang some tail” (odd, I don’t recall you posting offended at that) and chris for outright shilling for Ron Paul’s campaign, so I suppose I can’t criticize you for your comments. I do try to make this site comfortable for people of ALL viewpoints, not just the ones you or I agree with, zina. That inherently includes discussion you might not agree with. Perhaps if you wish simple references to links you might try asking a simple, straightforward question. I think if you are fair with yourself and me, if you reread your original post, you will admit it is not phrased in a simple, straightforward manner, and although, again, I digressed, I think you can see how I misunderstood some of what you were looking for.
If my post was provocative, well, anyone who’s been reading me knows I sometimes like to do that, but it is not intended to belittle or offend. I very carefully avoid offensive language or posts. Zina, you also have made an assumption. I sought information to be helpful regarding asserting the views of my clients, not myself. Inherent in the nature of being a lawyer is subverting your own positions in order to be an advocate for others. My clients have a constitutional right to a zealous advocate, and unless what they are seeking is unlawful or unethical, I do my utmost to do so. If what they wish is not unlawful or unethical but so distasteful to me personally I cannot be a zealous advocate, I tell them to seek other counsel. You also know nothing about me or my own positions. Please don’t mistake advocacy for personal belief. My post, as wandering as it was, was a sincere attempt to obtain new information I have been unable to find on my own, much as my prior thread seeking information for a presentation regarding the decision-making between abortion and adoption. The only reason I can see for your offense is your sensitivity to what you thought was an assertion of a viewpoint, not an academic request for information. Or perhaps you suffer from what Berke Breathed referred to in an old “Bloom County” cartoon as “offensensitivity.” If you still find offense, I suggest you paste into a private comment to me excerpts you find offensive, tell me in a calm manner what you find offensive, and I will either clarify any miscommunication between us, or if there is something upon further reflection I find offensive, I will apologize.
And I apologize if I ramble here.