Anyone besides me being pasted again by snow and ice, and more to come?
We are battening down the few remaining hatches but it is exhausting. 12” of snow since last night and much more predicted for tomorrow. How do I keep my spirits up? Even Milo is acting harried…(and those bills for plowing!)
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And I should add that it is still officially autumn.
Oh, Gail…I feel for you! Stay warm and snuggly. Call a friend or family member on your land-line when you’re feeling overwhelmed.
We got a foot too and we should get 2–4” tomorrow. I didn’t even clean off the car what is the point?
Oh, we are, too. High winds & lots of snow tonight & tomorrow. God, I hope it’s not going to be like last winter. Is it April yet?
I live in Portland where a dusting of snow usually means everything is gonna close. All this past week it has been snow and ice. There must be 5 inches outside. We only have 1 plow truck for the entire city! It’s awesome. I wish I could go play in it.
I would consider snowbirding it to Florida if I was you Gail. I don’t see how you stand all that ice and snow. It snowed about an inch in Tennessee five days ago during the night. It melted away by the next afternoon. Its been thundering, lightning, raining, and hailing most of the evening here and its in the 50’s.
If the calander says it is still autumn, then winter is going to really suck for you.
Bake some cookies!
Or go for a snow walk and photograph all the beautiful things you see.
When snow beings me down, i try to remember that it only comes once a year so i might as well enjoy it while it’s here.
Or if all else fails, curl up with a great book and transport yourself somewhere where its warm and sunny. :)
Not a flake on the ground here in Indianapolis. High tomorrow:16. Too cold, but not plowing so I amciunting my blessings. Where are you, gail?
It’s snowy here in Boston!
I am at 12165, in the hill country of the Hudson River Valley, 45 minutes SE of Albany and twenty minutes to the MA. border in the Berkshires.
2–4” isn’t even worth mentioning. I just read that the Seattle area is going to get pounded tomorrow also.
Judo: Imagine that you had to shovel a driveway tomorrow, given your recent interesting experiences. In a few days, however, you may be able to x-country ski straight to my house, on the other coast.
gailcalled I feel like a stalker now :S. I think it is around 8 inches in Boston.
We’re going to get the dreaded ‘wintry mix’, starting around 4am. Hubby will be out slip/sliding away, and I’ll be home worrying.
Also in Boston. Just heard
on WROR, 10 to 12” tomorrow.
Yaay, and I’m working.~
Gail: I make a mean cup of hot chocolate. I’ll get the sled ready. I think I can coast on ice from the divide to your place.
We’re still in the midst of a weird warm high pressure system here. It was 65 today, definitely not normal weather for this time of year.
I’m in Arizona and there is snow here, but nothing much…
I will be in the same boat as most of you in about 9 days as I drive to Ohio, yipee!.. blah
15–20cm later today. yaaaaaaa
We were hit with 12” of snow. But today, we have temps of -7F with wind chills of -30 degrees. Ultra yuck.
I’m feeling like a heathen ‘cause I plan on skipping church and my pastor lives kitty-corner from me. But breathing that cold air isn’t good for those of us with heart disease :(
Got 8” of snow last night. Currently 5:30 AM Sunday and now have freezing rain! Wind blew hard (gusts up to 50mph) last night. Lovely! Seattle area.
@divalicious Where do you live the north pole? I couldn’t take -7! hope its not boston
@90s_kid – Siberia Northern Illinois near the Wisconsin state line.
We didn’t get anything!!! Husband stayed home, safe and warm : )
Welcome to Canada. I just drove through this storm that’s been going on since last night. It’s showing no sign of ending anytime soon. By the time it’s done it’ll be around 30 centimeters, almost one third of a meter. And apparently there’s another coming around Wednesday.
yaaa canada,-15 outside, 15–20cm of snow,5–10mm rain, 100–125km winds. gotta love it
Iowa…minus 5°, lots of snow & a cutting north wind. BRR! :-(
@Judo: Your trip should be easy until you hit my .3 mile driveway. Then you will need either snow tires or AWD on your sled. Today will be only 4” to 6” more, but I see several more huge limbs downed in fields.
90s – At my age, I am thrilled to be stalked.
@Gail poem for you –
The weather outside is frightful,
Not at all delightful,
feels more like a frizzer,
which is a real pizzer,
let it snow, let it snow, let it snow.
Ok, I’ll go stand in the corner.
@ divalicious
I thought Illinois was warmer because it was more south. Apparently not.
Chyna:You’re not allowed to leave that corner. I think I just opened my wound up from laughing so hard at the frizzer reference.
@Chyna; Thank you for the poem. I bundled up and drove off this AM, in order to get more food while the snow was falling only 1”/hr. Turning from my drive to the little secondary road and progressing about 100 yds., I came upon a huge cherry picker that had slid across the narrow road and into a drainage ditch. Road closed.
So I had to back up, cautiously, and turn around to get home. Now, the truck has been towed away but the snow is falling at a rate of 2”/hr.
No snow to be found in Indianapolis. Lots of homes for sale. Won’t you be my neighbor?
@cdwccrn: LOL. I just pictured the little girl in your avatar in Keds and a button up sweater.
@cprevite: was she cute?
Today, she would need mittens and a hat, too. Brrrrrr….
Snowed in since Tuesday at the bottom of a long steep driveway (hill goes the opposite way from Gail’s).
Finally got out last night when a friend with chains stopped at the top of said driveway and I struggled up it in 9” of blessedly dryish snow. Dog came too. Sent dog home (1/2 mile) while I hopped into the delicious heated cab. Went to ridiculous party till midnight, another 4 inches of snow, dropped off at top of driveway and clambered down it under tall beautifully laden trees without flashlight (had flashlight; flashlight didn’t work) in dark-blue light, neighbors all fast asleep like in a Christmas story. Dog also asleep. Perfect.
Not going to run out of food, because my friend the mussel farmer will come by with chains on her truck on her way to the mussel farm and will leave food in my mailbox at the top of the driveway on request.
Good life, this.
@Susan; My friend Sandy had 48 more hours than I w/o power. She was at melt-down when her young neighbors gave her a hand with wood, dry ice and bottled water. But best of all, they lent her a headlamp with an LED light. You can wear it and have both hands free. All flashlights are crap when you need them. Check out
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