Do you ever do anything to intentionally annoy your significant other?
Asked by
gimmedat (
December 21st, 2008
from iPhone
I do. I know that I’m unusually devious, though. I’m wondering if my behavior is at all normal. I’m not talking anything that causes harm, just annoyance. Something like leaving dirty laundry around, or not wiping up the sink after you brush, or not cleaning off sand filled shoe bottoms. How about what your SO does that just annoys the crap out of you?
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30 Answers
Yes, daily for the past 21 years, and in the last year I’ve really kicked it up a notch.
No, though it annoys me that I haven’t found my significant other.
My wife does all the things you describe gimmedat. Although, not on purpose. It’s her nature to be a slob.
I have a bad habit of finishing her sentences which annoys her to no end.
That would be a ‘no’ for me. I wouldn’t feel comfortable trying to annoy my significant other on purpose and I can’t think of any reason, right off hand, why I would start doing that.
How about annoying your SO through practical jokes or something innocent like that? Would that count? I could do that probably. LOL
Bring up the age difference. She hits me.
No. That would not be nice. I am nice.
Yeah, cdwccrn hit the nail on the head.
We all do things that unintentionally annoy each other. But to do it on purpose is just mean spirited.
I’m waiting for the day she retaliates and kicks me in the groin. Til that day comes I will bask in her annoyance.
Not with my current SO. When I really wanted to piss off one of my exes while we were fighting I would call him a “loser” because for some reason it irked it. I try to not piss off or annoy my SO now though, even when I am mad at him. I love him and I wouldn’t ever want to push him away with something silly.
Sometimes, I just feel like pushing my man’s buttons. I love him, and I’m normally a pretty nice person. Sometimes, though, I need to shake it up. I do play practical jokes on him, too.
I talk to my boyfriend while he is doing his business through the bathroom door. It drives him crazy. He tickles me until I scream and the whole time he is laughing his ass off so we are even.
@gimme and jess- Those are playful things. I do both of those in a playful manner. I guess I didn’t see it as purposely annoying him because he knows I’m just being goofy.
Sometimes I act really mad at the annoying things she does and push her onto the ground.
..that queenzboulevard guy is abusive someone should get that girl away from him..
Yes. I do and it’s terrible that I do, but truly it’s funny. My SO hates when drawers aren’t closed all the way. Especially if something is sticking out of the drawer. Considering that I am generally a neat freak, I have to fight against my own inner neat freak demon to accomplish this… it’s a task, but I can do it, I’m strong! I pull the edge of his underwear out and shut the drawer on it, so it just hangs out, slightly.
We could be in the middle of a world-ending natural disaster and he would stop to fix it and then try to figure out how it got like that, it’s that bothersome to him.
I think he’s doing something to me, though. I’m so OCD about the pantry, I can reach in, blindfolded and retrieve exactly what I am looking for…so he’s started to switch things. Not a lot, but I know it’s him.
We’re driving each other crazy…on purpose! :)
When my ex-husband and I first moved in together, we had these really tacky built-in shelves upon which we placed really tacky bric-a-brac. We couldn’t agree on the proper placement of said items, so each time one of us left the room, the other would re-arrange them. This caused no end of consternation (and delight) to both of us.
With my current (and final) husband the only thing I do is remind him, on a regular basis, that he is 9 years older than I am. He is 50 now, so there is even more material to work with ; )
I bite, tickle, slap or grab my girlfriend. She pinches me and scratches me with her super long nails. We both bother each other in this manner until we end up naked. Good times.
My boyfriend and I play Magic the Gathering and the World of Warcraft trading card games. I say Magic is better and he says Warcraft is better so we kind of poke at each other about it. If someone who plays Magic asks about Warcraft, he tells them how much better Warcraft is. When we’re in a group of people who only play Warcraft and he says how much better it is than Magic, I just remind him that I met him playing Magic and he chuckles and doesn’t have anything to say in response.
My favorite thing to do is lick her in a random place like her face or arm she hates that haha and then I get licked back ewww spit
OK, qualitycontrol, I will admit to a version of that myself. If my wife is sleeping, I will grab her head and suck on her nose for a few seconds. She HATES it.
@cprevite! OMG…....that is so wrong!! Hysterically funny, but soooooo wrong!
It’s funny you mention that cuz if I really want to piss my gf off i lick right up her nostril haha
@cak: What’s worse is now my daughter does it to her.
@cprevite…I love family traditions! ;) Still gross, hysterical, so wrong, but very funny!
No, I don’t because I never do anything to annoy him. I’m perfect. ;-) Seriously, I’ll start talking about something & then I’ll stop mid sentence & go in another direction with something else. It makes him SO mad. I don’t do it deliberately, but I do know I do it.
@jb – first, of course you are perfect! I love what you do, even if you don’t do it deliberately!
cak, just think of the devilment I could cause him if I REALLY tried to annoy him! heh, heh…....
If nothing else works I just pretend I don’t understand her when she speaks to me in her language which I fully understand muahaha sooo evilll
@jb, no kidding – that is why I just love that you aren’t doing that on purpose!
Now if you want me to talk about what HE does to annoy ME….....
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