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seVen's avatar

Is it normal to hear blood rushing to your head?

Asked by seVen (3492points) December 21st, 2008 from iPhone

I sense it more now than I used to once, it happens when I lay myself at night to sleep.

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7 Answers

Perchik's avatar

I hear it too. I think it;s called vascular tinnitus . Great question!

For me when I go to bed it’s my heartbeat being echoed as a “whoosh whoosh whoosh” sound. Same for you?

seVen's avatar

Yeah I get the heartbeat sounds going too sometimes, especially laying my head on my arm( it’s the usual position I sleep), but this time I hear rushing blood like in ocean wave sounds crashing at the seashore and going back, LOL.

judochop's avatar

I have tinnitus so I “hear” a number of things that I think are coming from the inside of my body. Do you have high blood pressure? Are you under stress right now? Does it happen every night? Go have it check by your doctor. Probably nothing but worth checking out if it helps you rest soundly.

krose1223's avatar

I am not sure if I have ever had this. I have with the pulse thing…

cdwccrn's avatar

I can hear the heartbeat in my ears sometimes, though my blood pressure is fine.

hearkat's avatar

Hello; I am an Audiologist.

The carotid artery runs very close to the middle ear space, so it is possible to hear your pulse. The more acute your hearing is, the easier it is to hear.

You can hear it louder if you plug your ear with your finger (or lay on your arm) or if your ear is occluded with wax or fluid in the middle ear.

It will also be louder if your blood pressure is high (everyone’s pressure varies throughout the day… when you first lay down at night, of takes a short time for the body to adjust to not having to push the blood against gravity).

It can also seem louder if your carotid artery has a blockage. There are also other serious coditions that cause pulsatile tinnitus.

Therefore, the best thing to do is to have your ears examined to be sure they are clear. Discuss your specific symptoms with the physician, and mention all other symptoms you may have – even if they seem unrelated. Based on that, the Dr. should be able to decide whether you need otologic, cardiovascular or neurological services as your next step.

srmorgan's avatar

The opposite occurred for me last April. Walking through a gas station/conveniene store here in town, I heard a whoosh!!!! Well maybe I sensed it more than I heard it, but it was the blood rushing down away from my head due to a suddenly slowed heartbeat, just before I blacked out and collapsed onto the floor.

That is how I ended up continuously connected to my heart as mentioned in another thread tonight. Pacemaker was inserted the next afternoon,


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