General Question

Trustinglife's avatar

Do you feel connected to your heart right now?

Asked by Trustinglife (6671points) December 22nd, 2008

Is it important to you to feel connected to your heart?
Does this question even make sense to you?

Or is Fluthering more of a mental activity for you? Do you ever feel that your heart is engaged while you answer a question?

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9 Answers

wundayatta's avatar


Well, yes. I think of my heart as my emotions: empathy, sadness, happiness (occasionally), sensitivity. My heart is also my intuition. It takes over when science can’t give me an answer. It helps me make guesses, usually by allowing me to imagine myself in someone else’s shoes.

My heart is often engaged in answering questions; particularly those about relationships or illnesses. In fact, I think, I’d have to say that both my heart and my intellect are engaged most of the time.

I’m not sure this is a good thing, because I feel a bit too much like I’m about to fall off the edge into depression. Perhaps because working with my heart so much takes a lot out of me. I identify too much with other people’s pain. I want to save people—probably because I have no idea how to save myself.

bythebay's avatar

I do feel connected. Although sometimes I’ll give a funny little quip. Although if someone is suffering or really looking for guidance, I try and be as heartfelt as possible over the internet, to a stranger.

JoeyDesignsStuff's avatar

I just came in from smoking in single-digit weather, so I can really feel my heart beating.

… some questions carry a degree of empathy, and on those occasions, I guess it’s helpful to feel your way to an answer.

loser's avatar


Knotmyday's avatar

I have to admit, I’m not always writing “from the heart” here on fluther- that would be exhausting. However, snips and jokes aside, it’s pretty easy to tell if someone’s emotionally invested in the subject; or even in the opinions of others on the subject.
So my answer is: Yeah, to an extent. This answer, for instance, falls in the “yeah” category.
This one not so much.

srmorgan's avatar

If I touch my chest, just to the right of the left armpit, I feel a little gizmo and that gizmo is connected to my heart permanently, it goes off if my heartbeat slows down below 60 beats per minute and puts it back on rhythm.

So I am always connnected to my heart.


augustlan's avatar

I often feel my heart is involved here, but not always.

SpTaAiYd's avatar

I do but it has taken a great deal of mental discipline. You have to create an image of what you want your life to be like in your head and know that you are taking every opportunity you see to make it that way. When you are on the right path you will feel connected again

coffeechick's avatar

philosophically I am always speaking from the heart which usually gets me into trouble

physically I never really care if my heart is beating, i’m content to know that if it wern’t I wouldn’t be here, so I really never think about it.

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