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Trustinglife's avatar

Have you heard of Obama's 27-year-old speechwriter?

Asked by Trustinglife (6671points) December 22nd, 2008

Check out this article in the Washington Post:

I’m inspired. I thought I’d share it, and see what you thought.

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4 Answers

emilyrose's avatar

Great story! I had heard about it briefly but this is the most I have learned. I think it’s great! It sounds like a lot of pressure though….

JoeyDesignsStuff's avatar

Makes sense, since Barack is all about change and new ideas that he’d utilize fresh-thinking hipsters who hang out at Starbucks and run for enjoyment. I guess his speeches don’t really need to be anything but eloquent icing for his own ideas, so a kid who’s good with words is really all that’s necessary.

I just wish we weren’t so intrigued by young people being professional and good at what they do. I also wish WP would shut up about Starbucks, Pottery Barn, and all the other prepackaged modernite attitude that article is rife with.

But props to Favs.

galileogirl's avatar

The best speechwriters are young, bright and original. Actor/conservative pundit Ben Stein was writing for Nixon at 28. Pat Buchanan also wrote for Nixon at 28.. Ted Sorenson was cowriting Profiles in Courage at 27. Peggy Noonan was the woman behind the words of both Reagan and Bush while in her 30’s (well it always takes women a little longer to get recognized).

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